Just In
for Rocked Like Me

8/20/2012 c6 DA-chen1
I really love your story! Really great... Burr is such like Stone - love this character! Really funny.. Kara is such a crazy sweetheart! ;-)
8/20/2012 c1 DA-chen1
Cool beginning! ;-)
8/12/2012 c31 1RomanticaKH1
I'm kinda sad it's over. Even if I'm not crazy like this Kara is, I can relate with her a lot. I wish I had a man like Jay. Smart-ass and all. Haha. I really love Kara and Burr's relationship. Like he's her older brother. And low and behold, Burr is into art? SO am I. We would get along so much. Ahh, I really love your story. It's one of a kind.
8/11/2012 c6 RomanticaKH1
When Kara was describing herself after Will kissed her, I was surprised! It's the exact description I'd give myself. "I like to laugh at people who cry. I don't know how to be nice to people, I like books more than people." Haha, weird.
8/11/2012 c1 RomanticaKH1
Sounds interesting enough...though the crazy Kara concerns me a bit, considering my name is also Kara. . .
8/3/2012 c5 ILoveEtc
Me Burr Cutest Couple Ever :)
7/27/2012 c31 OPatron
HAHAHAHAHAA! this was one of the funniest stories on this site! Kara vaguely reminds me of another character created by a writer Deena, here on this website. You should check it out! The story is called Hiring a Hooligan. It's literally Kara's doppelganger.
7/18/2012 c31 Guest
nrvdivndvn amazing!
6/8/2012 c31 Maria
wow,that was one of the most hilarious stories i've ever read!You're a very talented writer...great work!
6/7/2012 c31 1surrendertomusic
Damn! It's been about 287385738473 years since you finished this story so I do hope you get this review. This story made me laugh so hard, I nearly peed in my pants... Many, many times. I love Jay and Burr (and Kara too of course!)... But unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. Loved this story!
5/22/2012 c4 weightless
Ohmygosh. aslifkjds;lkfjsd;lfkj this story is awesome so far. kinda confusing but kara is INCREDIBLE. seriously one of the funniest most unique characters i've ever read about. Can't wait to read the best!
3/31/2012 c1 1blinddivinity
I love it! LMAO! I am laughing. I love this chapter. If the first chapter is an indicater of what this fic is going to be like, then: I am in love with this story and am definitely going to enjoy every minute of me reading it.

Love it.
2/25/2012 c31 Junkiee
Normally, I'm not one to actually finish a story, but this one had me hooked until the very end. Granted, sometimes the dialogue could get confusing, as it wasn't always clear who was speaking, but the plot more than made up for this. But I think what I really loved about your story, is the fact that I feel like I've learned a lot, without even realising it. A lot of the facts you choose were really interesting as well.

Awesome story and unforgettable characters!
2/20/2012 c1 justjuice
i lovvveee kara and that name i think i would name my daughter kara, lol anyways well jays an ass burr is a cuttie
2/3/2012 c1 i-wish-i-had-wings
"I didn't really like being thought of as some 'nut-case' but if it meant I wouldn't end up in some ditch, then so be it. "I'm a peanut butter nutter from Sanitarium." I began to sing…" that part gets me EVERYTIME! i don't know how many times i've read this story, and it still makes me laugh xD and burr...i looove him, he's just so..burr ^^
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