Just In
for Never in A Million Years

8/30/2014 c26 2JJudkins
I wasn't really a fan of the changing POVs from one paragraph to the other, but it worked with the multiple main characters. Anyway, I'm off to read the sequel.
12/1/2012 c25 breakthehabit
not logged in Third time reading this, apparently. :P Ya still got it. But when is the sequel comin up? D:
9/13/2012 c25 Yumko Yummy
...and the sequel is coming when? you know its been years right?
8/22/2012 c14 13breakthehabit
Lol. You fooled me twice now with the Maria-Leslie thing. What I mean is, awesome writing. :P
8/22/2012 c8 breakthehabit
Title of this chapter is an awesome song. ;P
8/22/2012 c5 breakthehabit
Yup. You plus make-out scenes equals awesomeness. :P This is my second time readin this story. xD
6/17/2012 c20 breakthehabit
You messed up with the names. o_O You switched Angela and Leslie.
1/5/2012 c25 angelove11
Finally I've been waiting for this, for a very long time! and i can't wait for Terri story just because she said she dosen't want to fall in love, which may not be true!
1/4/2012 c25 13Sincerely A. Mouse
amazing story :) a little confusing in some places lol but brilliant nonetheless :)
12/26/2011 c23 angelove11
can't wait for the other chapter!
12/26/2011 c23 Anon723723723
What a twist! Seriously, very crazy. I hope Miranda settles things soon...
12/26/2011 c23 ReadnotWrite
Great chapter. Love the twist between Angela and Terri.
10/30/2011 c22 ReadnotWrite
Please update when possible. I like this Terri character already.
10/24/2011 c22 6CelticX
Alright, I'll add in my two cents. I understand that papers and mid-terms must come first, but please update when you get the chance. I'm loving this story and can't wait to see where you take it. The addition of a new triangle between AngelaxMirandaxTerri sounds fun! I'm sorry to hear that there are only a few chapters left, but you're definitely on my watch list ^_^

Take care,

10/22/2011 c22 angelove11
omgomgomg why does their have to be another girl why not just get them together already this is just sad. :(
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