Just In
for Never in A Million Years

4/13/2007 c2 PrettyAwkward
Good chapter, they're both getting closer, little by little. Its good. Update soon.
4/8/2007 c1 PrettyAwkward
It was good, really like how its going to far. From the summary sounds like its going to be a good story. update soon.
4/6/2007 c1 1Mynock Spit
Nice job. Well written so far, but as I always say, you can't judge a book by the first ten pages, so keep going.
4/6/2007 c1 guu-sama
Interesting first chapter. Looking forward to the rest!

Keep it up.
4/6/2007 c1 11bithnic
hey cool story, very interesting, Keep up the good work cant wait to read more!
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