Just In
for This Time Around

1/25/2019 c13 Anon
I keep coming back to check if you’ve updated and am
Still hoping one day you will! I love Emmeline and Evan and can’t wait to see where the story goes. If you decide to publish or move it elsewhere please let us know!
5/19/2018 c1 13Shailaputri
I like it .. like other readers I too was wondering why it is not finished. But looking back I guess it can be completed only if the Gracie and Jack pair was given equal importance as Evan might be the party of guilty. And to be honest Gracie seems to be more heroic than the rest of the characters. Em seems to be selfish while comparing her with Gracie. The only option is giving Jack and Gracie's love an equal importance. But the story flow missed it.
11/15/2017 c1 BoredomKills0620
Hey, so... I realize this hasn't been updated in almost 10 years. But here I am, nearly 10 years later, still thinking about it and wishing I knew what happened next, haha. Are there any plans to ever finish it and/or publish it? I desperately want to be able to read and reread it whenever I want!

11/9/2015 c13 hunter005
This is so not fair! I fell in love with this story, with Evan and Emeline, only for it to drop off like that. I know it's been 7 years, but PLEASE FOR PETE'S SAKE FINISH THIS!
8/9/2014 c13 xandria11
aaaaw! I know this was updated last 2008, but I hope that you would be able to finish this story. :) Its a really good story. :)
7/12/2012 c13 Guest
why did you stop?
12/15/2011 c13 Alixermixer
Wow, I really hope that you still see these and that you may come back to finish this. It is soo good and then you got to this point and completely twisted everything around and now I am wondering how this turns out, please come back and finish.
10/3/2011 c13 incrediblynosy
This is undoubtedly one of my favourite stories on fp and it's pretty obvious why. The mix of crime, suspense and romance is tantalising and I really can't wait to see how Evan and Em will make it unscathed... In more ways than one. I've read this storey since its beginning, but never really bothered to review. I'd been hoping you'd update but after rediscovering it yesterday and in the absence of updates, just know that there are still some of us out here who care shout the story and hope to see another chapter come out. No pressure (i'll just re-read what's already been written) and all the best!
5/21/2011 c5 16non.graceful
I really like this.. Really.
5/21/2011 c3 non.graceful
I really like thissz
3/9/2011 c13 Bubbly Girl
Great story so far! I hope that you update soon! :)

Peace, LOve and Happiness! :)

~Bubbly Girl
11/23/2010 c13 4subtly.obvious
i need to know what happens! curiosity is not good for me, its worse than what happens to the cat. it slowlly tortures me. its been more than two years since youve last updated? :O

why is it that whenever authors say that theyre gonna update sooner, they end up not updating at all? oddity innit? break away from the norm! your story (and i) need you to!
11/23/2010 c9 subtly.obvious
have i mentioned how much i love this story? well i do.

yuck. banana icecream with chocolate shavings? i dont blame evan for not wanting to try anymore after that. whats wrong with good old cookie dough. or chocolate. m belgian chocolate is the BEST. i want icecream now.
11/22/2010 c1 subtly.obvious
Aah this is awesome! i love this! i am so glad that i clicked on the button that lead me to here.

the part where she said "oh god. im going to die" would have made a good cliffie. although if i was reading it right after you posted it and i had to wait for another chapter, i would have hated it.

ok i have to go read the next chapter now :)
11/6/2010 c13 witeaya
i have to say this story is one of the story that have the best plot here in FP.

good love stories are amazing read. but an action packed one? it's heaven,really. i love every second reading ur story.

u leave us a big clifie there. is there any chance u will update this? it's been more than 2 years since u last updated but i still hope u will finish this amazing captivating story.
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