Just In
for Attack of the Killer Shrimp II

6/20/2008 c2 B.L.U.E. the cartoonist
I LOVED this chapter! It was my FAVORITE of all of them! GREAT JOB! (I just wish that what I'd read of the third book had been clean.)



PS: No, it's actually me, The.Wizard.Pen.Dragon, and I had an extra account lying around because I have ... 5 email addresses? So I thought I'd do this, hope it doesn't make your head big!
6/18/2008 c11 The.Wizard.Pen.Dragon
You just LOVE sequels don't 'cha? Well, this needs a TON of grammar and spelling help, but then again I already knew that wasn't your strong suit! It WAS hilarious though, and I don't know how you manage to write so much, I always get tons of great ideas in my head but end up abandoning them because I'm writing something else I write REALLY slow! oh, it was AWESOME though!

Write on!

5/20/2008 c11 8Rainbow Pineapple
Ah, I'm glad I found out why B.I. had his identity blocked. It all makes sense now!

lol, GO CHOCOLATE! CHOCOLATE IS AWESOME! I will have to keep in mind that if I'm ever attacked by killer shrimp, and I don't have any lasagna on hand, I should use chocolate.

haha, this story was awesome!
5/20/2008 c10 Rainbow Pineapple
What the heck? 'Frank and the shrimp king both began slow-motion Kung-Fu-Fighting in mid air.' hahahahahahahahahahahahahah!

Yay! Frank killed the Shrimp King! -little munchkins from The Wizard of Oz come out and begin singing- Ding, dong! The shrimp is dead! SQUEE!
5/20/2008 c9 Rainbow Pineapple
OMG! (I say that to much. And the word 'Siriusly', which I didn't even come up with. Meh.) B.I. IS A WERESHRIMP! -trying not to laugh at what I just typed- That is very weird, this is the only story I have read were anyone would have said 'wereshrimp'. XD
5/20/2008 c8 Rainbow Pineapple
Yay! B.I. lives!

Haha, this was one of my favorite quotes: "And what about the huge neon sign that says, THE SHRIMP KING IS HERE?" Siriusky, how could anyone miss that?
5/20/2008 c7 Rainbow Pineapple

Anyway, the cahpter was REALLY FUNNY! As usual.
5/20/2008 c6 Rainbow Pineapple
OMG! Will Bob surrvive the intellectual conversation? I must read to find out! And to findout if B.I. lives!
5/20/2008 c5 Rainbow Pineapple
OMG! Will the killer shrimp eat B.I.? Hmm...

I should stop thinking and read the next chapter.
5/20/2008 c4 Rainbow Pineapple
Wow, those killer shrimp are VICIOUS! And Sheryl needs to have better aim. XD
5/20/2008 c3 Rainbow Pineapple
hahahaha, that president is SO stupid!

Siriusly, "Well for goodness sakes, don't shout at me just because your gardener got fathered by a shrimp named Bob."? lol!
5/20/2008 c2 Rainbow Pineapple
"This story is crap! The characters are unreal, the plot is too slow, or non existent, and the joke aren't even funny!"

Just kidding. But you put the option on your page, and I couldn't resist.

Siriusly now, (and that's supposed to be spelled 'siriusly'. Ya know, as in Sirius Black. GO HARRY POTTER!) this is funny. And so random... GO RANDOMNESS!
5/20/2008 c1 Rainbow Pineapple
Poor Bob! He needs to be less trusting! And less sympathetic towards roadside salespeople.
1/24/2008 c1 jadeisms
Hey. I love this, it made my day. you rock! and to ms. critic...

we are writing, but the school cockblocked ficitionpress on our laptops...


I want to be a were-shrimp.

but then i could never got to red lobster...

But i still would have culver's..

so i still want to be a were-shrimp
7/25/2007 c11 Tomikins
I hate B.I.
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