Just In
for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

5/6/2007 c2 14FreakierThanThou
Cute. I like Kendra, she's funny, and the coach was cool. Deonte's great. I love their fighting, it's not melodramatic hate-turned-love or anything, just funny.

Three corrections: In the first chapter, her 'food' hits a basketball and you're missing a period after talking about her brother and rolling her eyes. In the second, Kendra tells the coach "your ancient" but should say "You're".

Other than that, great.

Keep writing,

5/6/2007 c2 Shrian

crazy. insane. but fuckin hilarious.

update soon?

*beg beg* x_X

luff it :o
4/17/2007 c1 15Pinnacle of Pan
This is some awesome writing. When you Changed the name from Kendra to Kennie was that another nickname? Also, just a random fact that makes me like your story even more: My names Kendra! (Her names way cooler but the nicknames the same, so)
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