Just In
for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

9/20/2011 c5 golden62
Romantic comedy is definitely your forte.

The words flowed seamlessly and on point.

The conversations and come backs were perfect

Yep, I'm still loving this
9/20/2011 c3 golden62

you're doing great, these two play off each other perfectly.

I felt as though I was actually there.

fantastic job
9/20/2011 c2 golden62
All I can say is I'm loving this so far.

These two are adorably fantastic together.

8/9/2011 c18 16mizgardenia21
This is such a good story and Kendra is a very likable heroine. Deonte is cool too but Kendra is just so precious. I wonder who was at the door? Awesome story...I absolutely LOVED it.
6/23/2011 c2 Marti
I love the flow of this story. I can definitely relate to the main character and have been laughing since I started reading this story. Keep up the good work.
1/15/2011 c18 mz stancil94
Please continue to write this story! It is so good and I have fallen in love with it. Don't ignore a fan of your work! I will be checking in to see if you have updated it.
12/6/2010 c18 Frankie
I really enjoy your story it is so funny and I wish you would continue it :)
11/8/2009 c18 Jazzisabatmanfan
I know you haven't posted anything new but I hope you finish this story. Everytime I read it, the cliff-hanger kills me each time. Please post more, you''re an amazing writer with a large and capitivated audiance.
10/31/2009 c18 Wanchoo
aww, i like your story a lot!
8/21/2009 c18 sarcasm is my middle name
8/7/2009 c18 idiotendenial
I know this story has been on hold for more than a year now, but I want to tell you that I love it so much and it inspired me to keep writing. I guess I can only hope that you contine it one day because it was truly a masterpiece that I could relate to. You're a brilliant writer ad I appreciate your contribution to this site and to my personal writing history as well. I don't know what else to say except thank you and please continue.
7/4/2009 c18 2Daniels lover
Very cute story, I just found it today and read al of it in a few hours (with a few food breaks lol).
6/19/2009 c17 idiotndenial
Okay, idk if you actually read these but please please please please please please please finish. I love your story so much and so many people have quit this website in the interracial area and I hate it. Your story is so relatable...please don't just leave. please.
3/15/2009 c18 theirdre
this is a good story. please finish this story soon.
3/2/2009 c18 fanaserie
i like you're story, but you' traduction of "you owe me" is wrong, it's more like "tu m'en doit un (baiser)"( i'm french)
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