Just In
for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

8/3/2008 c7 Divisionred
Her premonition of something bad happening came true. I can't believe her father was so callous the dirty dog. I hope he gets his heart broken to the idiot.

As for Deonte and Richie they are so cute. I really like Deonte's character he seems to be a caring individual.

8/3/2008 c6 Divisionred
wow, I can't believe he just did that...
8/3/2008 c5 Divisionred
I agree that she is strange but why is he speaking to her in french?
8/3/2008 c4 Divisionred
She is to funny
8/3/2008 c3 Divisionred
Poor kendra is having a bad day...why can't she tie her shoes?
7/28/2008 c18 L
WHAT! I am so sad so sad its ON HOLD! why! why why why why why why why! OH WHY!
6/26/2008 c18 L
oh CHERIO! please update soon my dah'ling, I am afraid your little baby may be feeling somewhat neglected, don't you want it to be happy? right now it has such a CLIFFHANGER! I'm afraid it feels left out, won't you make it feel better? I WANA KNOW WHAT HAPPENS! PLEASE!
6/8/2008 c1 1Giggles4evr
Please don't delete this. It may not be the best, but the story is great. Try adding more details to certain places. Revise, maybe, but please don't get rid of it.
6/3/2008 c18 9Maxegirl1313
Uh-oh, i have a bad feeling it's his mum! Please update soon! I love it!

6/1/2008 c18 1Jevanminx
Oh that is cruel my friend, so cruel. Please please please update soon, this story along with your others is so cool. I love it.

6/1/2008 c1 LadyLuckAJ
5/30/2008 c18 L
FINALY! I've been waiting for AGES for this one whew! and here it is. It is a good chappie, I can't gush enough about your charecters they are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.! love them well I won't gush too much you know how muchly much I love them. By the way did I mention how much I adore that Deonte speaks french to Kendra? cuz it's so awesome
5/23/2008 c18 nicnac100
I enjoying this story. It light, funny and sweet. I love Deonte and Kendra. They are great together. Their scenes together are well written. I really enjoy your writing. Hope to see more of this story Thanks

5/14/2008 c17 Mercury Fields
The way that the chapters carry on from each other is really well done. Great work
5/14/2008 c13 Mercury Fields
Aww Deonte is soo sweet. I want a boyfriend like him. This story is progressing fantastically!
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