Just In
for Slim Pickings Lead to Drastic Propositions

6/6/2007 c7 25Esquirella
Hmm ... Alex is a bundle of nerves. Is Tyler strong enough and unselfish enough to help him?
6/6/2007 c7 14Shaitanah
Ohh, that was an amazing chapter! Poor Alex! It's funny: I have a friend named Alex who is pretty much like your Tyler here) Good luck getting over your writer's block.
6/5/2007 c7 1DRAGONFIRE04
I hope your writer block does not last that long. Please Update soon.
6/5/2007 c7 4Amindaya
I loved the explanation of his relationship with his sister. LOVED it. Great chapter. More soon?
5/31/2007 c6 Amindaya
Yeah but we already knew that already, that he was an asshole. :D

Glad to find out what the accident is. Is there going to be more to this? Update soon, pretty please?
5/31/2007 c5 Amindaya
Oh wow, he was actually halfway decent in this chapter. Who knew?
5/31/2007 c4 Amindaya
Well, yeah, he did tell him. :D
5/31/2007 c3 Amindaya
Oh my, what a jerk. I just want to hit him or something. Better yet, I want Alex to hit him. Tyler's just one of those characters with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
5/31/2007 c2 Amindaya
Whoa. Tyler's pretty scary. He was practically assaulting the guy and he's just like whatever. And the sister! Oh man, that was weird.
5/31/2007 c1 Amindaya
I like how quickly the story is moving already.
5/31/2007 c6 KissMyConverse
This accident thing is starting to make more sense.

Lovely chapter. This whole story is lovely, actually. It has a really good plot. :]
5/31/2007 c6 1DRAGONFIRE04
Nice story update soon.
5/31/2007 c6 25Esquirella
Whoa! Tyler's not as remote as he's playing, is he? And Alex might just need someone to make him talk about his parents.
5/27/2007 c5 14Shaitanah
That's hot! Good story! Well done ;))
5/24/2007 c5 25Esquirella
I hope he and Kayla patch things up. Damned shocking revelation, the abortion. Tyler is very manipulative. In a cute way, though.
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