Just In
for Slim Pickings Lead to Drastic Propositions

5/21/2007 c5 6purestmaiden
This story makes me smile. It's totally great. And what's up with Kayla, anyways?
5/19/2007 c5 KissMyConverse
Oh dear, this story is just too cute. Keep up the amazing work.
5/9/2007 c4 25Esquirella
Holy shit that was HOT!
5/6/2007 c4 KissMyConverse
Haha. Loved this. :]
5/2/2007 c3 Christina
Holy [insert swear word of your choice]! Great job! I love it! Another unbelievable story =) I'm glad I stumbled across you; talent is rare, and you've got the gift. Hope you'll update soon! ^^
4/30/2007 c3 14Night Play
Woo..i really like this story. update fast! =DD
4/29/2007 c3 KissMyConverse
Wahnderful chapter. :D

“Come’ on baby, trust me.”He whispered into my neck. Famous last words much?

^^That sentence made me think of My Chemical Romance. Haha. There's a line in one of their songs where they go, "Trust me." So that made me think of that. Then I saw "Famous Last Words much?" "Famous Last Words" is one of their songs. So naturally, like any crazed MCR fan, I cracked up. Ahem. Great chapter, and keep up the lovely work~!
4/28/2007 c3 1ngt
good chapter!

i can't wait to read more
4/24/2007 c2 25Esquirella
A really great premise for a story. Alex is a wonderfully complex character.
4/24/2007 c2 KissMyConverse
Pretty good. I'm kind of confused about the whole "accident" and the guilt thing. :/ But whatevs. I'm lovin' it anyway.
4/18/2007 c1 subtlethief
Very interesting start,promising rich story, i'll keep waiting for update, i hope for a long story, acctually for a long long story...
4/17/2007 c1 1ngt
i like the beginning cant wait to read more
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