Just In
for fragments

12/28/2007 c12 3Blood Sinister
I love it. It's pretty, in a bittersweet way, and all the words just slot together like they're meant to be there. Which is the scary part.

12/1/2007 c12 20Twilight Starr
Great poem.

~Twilight Starr~
12/1/2007 c11 Twilight Starr
Beautifully written poem even if it is tragic.

~Twilight Starr~
12/1/2007 c10 Twilight Starr
It is definitely sad when there is no difference to someone. Nice work.

~Twilight Starr~
12/1/2007 c9 Twilight Starr
It's sad to wake up alone in the morning. Nice work.

~Twilight Starr~
12/1/2007 c8 Twilight Starr
Great poem. Nice title. Liars-who likes them?

~Twilight Starr~
12/1/2007 c7 Twilight Starr
That's so tragic. Reading these makes me want to cry. Great job on getting your feelings out.

~Twilight Starr~
12/1/2007 c6 Twilight Starr
This is so sad. Great job on expressing yourself.

~Twilight Starr~
12/1/2007 c5 Twilight Starr
Good poem.

~Twilight Starr~
12/1/2007 c4 Twilight Starr
Nice usage of "Peter Pan". Good work.

~Twilight Starr~
12/1/2007 c3 Twilight Starr
Well worded poem. I like the last line the best.

~Twilight Starr~
12/1/2007 c2 Twilight Starr
Good poem. It seems like we always fantasize about things that don't end up happening. Nice work.

~Twilight Starr~
5/16/2007 c12 48MarvellousMarvin
omg these were all really amzing! i loved them all! theyre so sad and so blunt in such an effective way. i love their shortness too - and they all have something people can relate to. can't decide about my favourite-theyre all so good!
4/28/2007 c11 91fairytale failure
They do seem very cohesive, to me. My favourites were 'That Birthday Surprise' (it made me laugh!) and the last two. I especially loved the line '‘cause people too often mistake tragedy for beauty'; its just so true.
4/26/2007 c3 65Aquafied
ugly is all opinion
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