Just In
for It Was Only a Kiss

6/22/2013 c25 2Epic Asian
Aggrh! I know being insecure and having no self esteem is Shelby's thing but its the end of the story and she's ticking me off.
5/26/2013 c28 9AKhwab
GREAT story! I'm SO glad I stumbled upon it. I'd love to see some action between Eric & Nicole. Shane's a bastard. Claire's a bitch. Ugh. Paul's a nice guy :) and please! Write about Justin. I've noticed something though, Emily & Mike are two of the six who appeared the least. And from all their appearances, seems like Emily's a little judgy & cold while Mike is bossy & not so fun.
5/26/2013 c24 AKhwab
Wow. I think this is the first time I'm reading that the guy goes first.
5/26/2013 c23 AKhwab
Gosh! How dumb can Claire get? Just when I was starting to think the high school main cheerleader wasn't a bitch.
5/26/2013 c20 AKhwab
I'm not having trouble anymore. You are SO funny. I was laughing when Christian got slapped. And I felt guilty when the two men got into a fight.
5/26/2013 c15 AKhwab
Sequels? Sure! If you're up for it. Cos if you force yourself to bring up a love story for them in high school with this same people, the stories may not seem appealing anymore. However, if you play with the timeline a little or something, then it won't be so bad. Ever heard of the Drake Chronicles? I think that's what that series of books is called. I can't remember the author's name. Anyway, the reason I mentioned it was cos, I was starting to feel as if the author was squeesing out things to write for the characters.
5/26/2013 c10 AKhwab
The last part just sucked. They can't remember. All they can do is draw conclusions. What about Shelby's & Paul's grounding? Won't their parents know that the both of them were out?
5/26/2013 c8 AKhwab
Thanks for the character info at the end. Appreciated it :) good chapter. Well written :)
5/26/2013 c7 AKhwab
Omg. This chapter was SO funny that it had me sniggering and trying to control my laughter. I like Paul. He's really humourous.
5/26/2013 c5 AKhwab
Eric & Shelby would make a nice pair. They would also make this story a little less cliche. But let's see... :)
5/26/2013 c4 AKhwab
Learnt so much about Shelby. The second chapter already had me thinking that Shelby was pretty ordinary. She's beautiful but one had to look for it. I didn't know she was attracting guys to her like bees to honey.
5/26/2013 c2 AKhwab
Heh Shelby is so cute. Why did Paul lie?
5/26/2013 c1 AKhwab
GREAT start :D
3/22/2013 c28 atlalok33
alright, you have updated this a looonnnggg time ago. but, really wish you make the sequel to this. this story is amazing; i have an unhealthy obsession with it. PLEASE make the sequel soon!
3/7/2013 c28 Cindy
Nice story. I would've expected something more dramatic with Jake but whatever. You are a good writer and I'm sure you're going to get better.
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