Just In
for Therapy Sessions

3/5/2008 c16 Eternity's Ink
such a nice happy chapter until that ending. darn it! update soon!
3/5/2008 c16 52Liviania
Surely they can survive at separate colleges . . .

3/5/2008 c16 10QueenCasey
O. I like this story. But why a cliffhanger? Why? It is not cool. Not cool at all!
3/4/2008 c16 17JtheChosen1
god damnit nothing ever works out with these 2!

lol, i wanna see a bright future

3/4/2008 c16 10CaFFy
3/4/2008 c16 ddz008
Such a sad ending for a really happy chapter... It must be so difficult to make that decision. I feel so bad for both of them... T_T Update soon, pleae!
3/4/2008 c16 2mia5081
Ah, they did the no no cha cha (with Matt on top!) and how the hell did their parents not hear that? Lol, I was waiting the entire time for one of them to walk in...and I feel so bad for Matt.

Update soon!

3/4/2008 c16 iwanttodeletethiswtf
omg that sux, i mean seriously that sux badly. and after everything matt was thinking while they were making love that really isn't cool! i can't believe he decided to apply. this is ridiculous but i loved this chapter nonetheless, keep it up. although, i think that aidan should burn for being so inconsiderate toward matts feelings toward luke. Romantic true love like this should be treated better than friendly love. I'm sure ur character "knows" this but ur makin her be selfish. i'll be waiting for the next update. thanks!


3/4/2008 c16 narcissistic
thats so sad.

choose the college of ur dreams...or the guy of ur dreams...

glad i never have to make that choice.
3/4/2008 c16 brilliant demise
how cruel
2/25/2008 c15 5SerialXLain
“Mommy…why were Matt and Luke grown-up hugging?” xDD Aw. I was wondering if someone was going to interrupt them since they were all out there. I wish they were my neighbors. Oh, ho ho.

Love the succession of notestoselfesveseses again. :D

2/15/2008 c14 SerialXLain
o_o I started reading this forever ago, got to the halfway point and stopped for some reason. D:

But I really liked Luke's part with his successive Note To Selfs lol...and his cute little angsting. :)

1/30/2008 c15 3Would not Could not in a Box
neato! excellent story.
1/28/2008 c15 17JtheChosen1
wow i luv the story! so much conflict, but u don't make any of ur characters sound whiney, which is defintely good!

I hope Luke bottoms for Matt and that Matt can play soccer again!

update soon!
1/26/2008 c15 Eternity's Ink
OMG! Luke does have a fiesty personality ... and I like it - love it! Upate soon!
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