Just In
for Therapy Sessions

1/24/2008 c15 52Liviania
Luke's "deal" with Matt is hysterical . . . the scene culminating with him coming down the stairs was absolutely hilarious.

Also, I feel sorry for their therapists.

1/24/2008 c15 magalina
"Note to Self: Should find a way to take pictures Matt and I. For…research." XD

lol I love this new Luke, I like the whole top thingie :P Ooh, can`t wait to see what happens with Chicago :o
1/22/2008 c15 ddz008
Good chapter! I'm glad that Luke is being more forceful and that they're beginning to put things in perspective. I hope they get their happy ending. :)
1/20/2008 c15 10CaFFy
Update soon!
1/20/2008 c13 CaFFy
Hey! The doc isn't acting professional. lol
1/20/2008 c11 CaFFy
I still think "pussyfooting" is funny. xD
1/20/2008 c15 3portabellaprincess
oh. Good chap. Hopefully Matt will get better! Please update soon!
1/20/2008 c5 10CaFFy
Even if you're not happy with the chapter, I am. I like the mom and aw they're spooning! :D
1/20/2008 c1 CaFFy
Heh... interesting... o.o
1/20/2008 c15 WTF OMG STFU
yay for a post! xDD aw this was a cute chapter.

I think Luke should stay, him and Matt are adorable! Poor Matt better learn to run, lmao.

Can't wait for another chapter! post ssoon!
1/20/2008 c15 iwanttodeletethiswtf
so luke topped matt before the therapy sessions scenes? and omg y so short! not FAIR! lol sorry. this is a really good story and I love the note to self parts. Matt's so ADORABLE wit how frustrated he gets. and the way Luke was acting was SO fuckin' SEXii! :] kk? i'll be watchin for the next update!


1/20/2008 c15 Brilliant Demise
Thank you! Thank you! !

You updated! You're amazing!

When did Luke get to be so bold? I mean: "Until then... learn to like being bottom." Woot! Go Luke!

And... what happened with Elaine and John? In the driveway? That was never resolved...

Please update soon!

Luke has to tell Matt.

And Matt has to tell Luke.


Love you, and Matt, and the now-bold Luke!

1/20/2008 c15 heartxjelly
I like it :]

More more more.
1/20/2008 c15 2mia5081
Ooh, I really liked Luke in this chapter. I mean, it's like he's an entirely different person-but in a good way. I enjoyed it lol

Update soon!

1/20/2008 c15 4Nightngale
*Cackles* I'd have loved to have read that scene! Matt being topped. *Giggles* That's awesome.

I love how your characters have progressed. It flows so well with your writing style. Awesome. :)

Thank you for writing.
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