Just In
for Dear Gary

2/10/2009 c1 10Twelfth Night
That was SO funny. Psycho-guy's cool.
7/19/2008 c1 6RaVeN-naILs
dude you should so continue it! and it is a perfectly reasonable reason to slash up a car. i would! . stupid potatoes.

3/26/2008 c1 2RoxxorzBoxxerz
Continue! Continue! Continue! Continue! Continue! Continue! Continue! Continue! Continue! Seriously i like it, twas hilarious =3
3/24/2008 c1 Lovedward48
Continue...just continue! The mutant potatos are awesome and very dangerous! Muahahahaha they come to haunt you in your dreams(nightmares) and if you eat them (out of pure stupidity) they'll burn your stomach. Mark is an idiot who doesn't care if James wants to save him (or mostly himself) and Mark deserves that the potatos kill him and avenge poor, innocent James. Muahahahaha

I hope you realise I'm joking...lol if you don't that's still fine with me. I know I'm crazy!^^

I know you're most likely not going to continue this story but I just wanted to let you know that IF you changed your mind and decided to continue this fic you'd have at least one reader.^^
11/12/2007 c1 8failte200
Slash? I don't see no slash... you promised slash! It's "slash" because he named his journal "Gary"? I don't think so.

So, there's GOT to be more to the story than mutating potatoes...
9/18/2007 c1 like-the-walls-of-jericho
This is utterly hilarious. You must update this!
9/10/2007 c1 10J.L. Hastings
LOL! That was so great! I loved the whole bit about the potatoes mutating being a completely reasonable reason to take a chainsaw to a Mercedes. I love this story! You should definitely continue it.
8/30/2007 c1 ninjah-skillz
1] I am loving this idea. ^^

2] It needs a little work in terms of grammar and punctuation, but they're all easily fixed problems I saw.

3] This kid is making me laugh my head off.

6/30/2007 c1 Gaurdian of hell
once again i couldnt be stuffed to lof in, how long ago did you write this? i hate reviewing late, but i like it so far, so keep writing! :D
6/29/2007 c1 Meri
AH I NEED MORE!*gazes at screen in creepy manner hoping it will make more chapters appear*
6/21/2007 c1 Makeshift Heart
I like this story! James is entertaining, I do hope you continue!
6/14/2007 c1 2Benten401
Wow that was really good, I like James, especially the chainsaw and the shiny objects part. Please update soon, I like your style.
6/5/2007 c1 kalyptra
it's funny...

hope you write james journal named gary about another life's adventure. and more counsels to come...
6/1/2007 c1 1LovelessKitsune'sLullaby
Hullo, i think this is hilarious, this sounds like something i would do...when that happens to potatoes that my parents buy, i refuse to eat them^.^great story
5/30/2007 c1 1Ryumiko-chan
XD That was hilarious! I can't wait to read more of it! James sounds wicked awesome. :3
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