Just In
for Emptiness

9/23/2001 c1 sherbie
it's.. ah... you're right, it is morbid, but very good! Beautiful stuff you've got...
7/23/2001 c1 4Talia Maxwell
Wow. That was *deep*. Sounds just like I used to feel about a year and a half ago, when I hit rock bottom. (Well, as close to rock bottom as I've ever been, that is.)It is also one of the ways I lookat at Duo from Gundam Wing.(I know ya' know who he is 'cuz I got here from your profile page.) He always *acts* happy, but is he really? I better quit now, or I'll write you an essay instead of a review.. ^_^;;

7/6/2001 c1 Chikaku
Wow... That's really good. Sounds like something I've written.
6/3/2001 c1 YesAnastasia
Me likes. We could benefit from reading each others poetry. Well, just a thought. Ja ne.
4/21/2001 c1 3Saya the Demoness
My...that sounds almost like me...except that I've already cried my tears away...
3/25/2001 c1 1PrincessAngelWinnie
3/24/2001 c1 wisdom107
I liked it alot. depressing, but i am to. write more!
3/24/2001 c1 poetrysdeadremarks

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