Just In
for Spay Now or Kill Later

4/7/2008 c1 12harrison-girl
Wow...very powerful!
2/26/2008 c1 8Written
wow, this is so sad! very good essay, thank you for reminding me that this is important.
1/24/2008 c1 24a certain slant of light
I think about it often. Actually, I've taken care of homeless cats many a time. Just thinking about what humans do to animals makes me sick, hence I am a vegetarian.

I hope what you've written here has affected other people. Thank you for sharing this.
10/4/2007 c1 1soojinyeh
Good essay. Urg... sorry for contacting you like this but I used up all my PMs for the day, but you are nominated for a 2007 Fiction award for Best Reviewer.
7/17/2007 c1 14FreakierThanThou
Nice essay. Very thought-provoking. I volunteer at an animal shelter, so those statistics were very real to me. I liked how you said where they were from, too many people don't, and the cat's prayer at the end was very good.

One correction: "...too wild to e adopted" You dropped a letter.

It was good how you explained everything so that someone who was reading this without much information or background in the topic could still understand what is going on.

Keep writing,

5/14/2007 c1 The Spirit of Vale

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