Just In
for Waking Up

10/8/2016 c1 annayh44
hahahahaha kinda cuteeee
11/7/2012 c1 heal me forever
goshhhhhhhhhhhhh tearsssssssssssssss sooooo beautifully written AWESUM!
8/29/2012 c1 Robin
5/26/2012 c1 46SwimmingThroughExistance
aww:) that was really sweet!
4/9/2011 c1 Princess Mariana
So sweet! It's so cool that she saved his life and stuff!
1/30/2011 c1 WishBlade
Yes, it was cliche-but honestly, who doesn't like cliches? I, for one, was smiling like an idiot by the end because it was so adorable =]
12/22/2010 c1 4Kina Kalamari
Short, yes. Cheesy, yes. Good...also yes. It's an interesting idea that I've never seen before. I can't decide if it'd make a very interesting longer story or a very boring longer story, but it made for a nice oneshot. =)
12/13/2010 c1 2HoPELeSS.RoMaNTiiC
I really like the concept of the story however, the ending was a big let down. I think you need to include why , and this is going to sound stupid, they got together and the actual scene they get together it. It just feels unfinished.
11/9/2010 c1 Ribena
Gosh, I loved that :)
9/27/2010 c1 9Inkpress00
Love it! Although, you did spell his name a different way in the beginning... other than that, though, very well done.
8/25/2010 c1 1x Farii
Awwr! Amazing :')

Gorgeous writing.

And we could all do a little bit of cheesy once in a while (;

And yes, i'm stalking your fictionpress account.

Amazing stories
5/12/2010 c1 teardropsONroses
okay since you've probably gotten a billion emails saying I added most of your stories to my favorites i figured i should say why:

they're all really really cute

and some of them are bordering on cliche but not enough to make them predictable

3/23/2010 c1 Crystal Marie
I've noticed a lot of your stories end with 'yeah, that was cheesy and cliche'' And you REALLY have to stop that. Us hopeless, helpless romantics find it sweet (heck, I found the shortened version of Romeo and Juliet sweet) and I don't like 'hearing' you think you're too cheesy. Write a full length and get it published... because YOU COULD. GREAT story and, once again, my heart swelled. I've noticed your stories leave a lot to the imagination. I was wondering if you ever thought of turning them into full length stories...? I can't decide if they're better when left for us to decide the rest or what, but I think they'd make fantastic long-term stories. Just saying. =-) Fantastic job! ~Crystal Marie
1/28/2010 c1 13Aaerie
um okay?
3/20/2009 c1 13blurrylights
You really are good with names. I loved this...*sigh* Absolutely adorable.
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