Just In
for Out At Home

7/4/2013 c1 1Caret711
You may want to actually remove this story. I saw it on Amazon, and if I had known it was wasting my 4 dollars or whatever it was, I wouldn't have bothered. Why pay for a story I could read for free? If you want to make any money, you should take this down
3/22/2013 c1 Bookworm642
I've bought this.
11/27/2011 c1 4RealMenSparkle
Just wondering if you're ever gonna put this up again? Or for that matter, any/most of the stories you took down for editing a long time ago?
2/1/2010 c22 jmn23
It always amaze me how good your stories are. You have a very mature way of writing. Your characters especially the female ones have a very raw sense of characters. You can't just help but love them. Utterly amazing story. Although in real life, we can't have our perfect Brady or we can't be Taylor, as you read your story you feel contented and happy to see two beautiful characters come together. I can't stop and be amazed with your talent. You are truly one of the talented writers I come across with here in fictionpress.
1/12/2010 c22 1MintCcIceCream
I really really loved this story! It was so sweet, and even if the plot line was a little bit unrealistic, the characters were so easy to relate to! I find it funny how in each of your stories (that I've read at least) you seem to subconsciously pick a letter that a lot of the characters' names start with! This one was T! Anyway, good luck writing and with life and everything! LOVE THE STORY!


MintCcIceCream ♥
12/15/2009 c22 1HeartsOfDiamonds
Really awesome story. I love the ending.
12/3/2009 c22 dwpea
such a sweet story! enjoyed reading every chapter =D
11/6/2009 c1 yellow.jellow
This is my second time reading this... I like a lot... well I like the first half a lot more. I've also noticed this time around that you tend to use a lot of exclamation points!
10/24/2009 c22 ghurl00
a really good read!:D well done!:D
10/18/2009 c22 1schoeppc
Wonderful story! You really did an amazing job.
10/12/2009 c22 14Sapphyre Nymph
i love this!

absolutely awesome!
9/24/2009 c22 XxSiennaxX
Loved your story, I'm really glad Taylor agreed to go to the police, I was very close to believing that she'd try to deal with Henry's daughter herself. Although I would have liked it if she'd also accused Henry of sexual assault or something, anything to get him away from her. Thank goodness her boss fired him but it did take a while.

Wonderful story :)
9/23/2009 c22 CharlotteBradhadair
i really liked it but what happened to jason?

9/23/2009 c22 1HelloFasination

just wondering if you could put character pix up because im really interested to see whaat she looks like with short hair

it was such an epic story and i loved it

9/22/2009 c16 HelloFasination
Lov ur story

one of the best ones ive ever read

lov the characters

there so cute together :)
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