Just In
for Fraud 101

7/24/2007 c1 8Crazy.Until.Proven.Otherwise

That...wow...I've never even thought about that...it's a really good little short story...WOW!

~ Need I say more? ;)

So, a school teaching how to be a criminal, and then sending you out to do crime? That's a pretty cool idea...I'd love to know where your idea's pop up from, especially this and your story 'An Average Story'. (classy name, by the way!)

And, when are you going to update that little puppy there? Coz I'm hanging! Unless it's complete of course...but it doesn't say complete...does it?

So anyways, I rambled enough, you get the picture, you know you and your story/ies are awesome, so off I go!

Cookies galore,


7/22/2007 c1 RedBerries
I think it has potentiol, but it needs a little bit of work.
5/22/2007 c1 luv me like no other
Hahaha. This was so entertaining. I really liked the plot line.

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