Just In
for Finding Rome

6/30/2013 c5 Guest
4/21/2008 c1 cescy
hey. i'm not sure if you're still updating FINDING ROME but it's the funniest sweetest thing i've read and i hope you continue to have writers block so that you carry on with it. wait, i mean, i hope you like it enough to continue it as well as your other stories.

the dialogue style is very smart and neatly done, like it really gives you a clear picture of what's happening even though it's quite minimalist. so thank you!
4/11/2008 c7 hichou
update! i love it!

please, keep it up!
3/31/2008 c7 2RoxxorzBoxxerz
seems interesting
11/29/2007 c7 2Gummy Kitten
Wha! I love it. Lovelovelovelove's all over it. Yussyussyuss. o.O. I am also very tired and probably should be hit with something before I go to far with this review. But seriously... this story... thing... that is kind of... not story-ish is just the funniest funny thing I've ever read. Kinda cute to... I love what Rome thinks about the TV, little people trapped inside a box, it's a classic. My favorite word is naughty and really kind of icky so I'll use my other favorite word, which is Pedophile :D. Not so bad... or i that doesn't work, I also like Pseudo... and Pillow... any P word will do. Hooray.
11/22/2007 c7 4souzen
omg he gutted the TV! awesome! Michael isn't going to be very happy. XD
11/22/2007 c6 souzen
lol. I really don't know what I can say about this chapter other than it made me laugh a lot. Awesome story btw! ^^
11/22/2007 c5 souzen
haha. Rome hugged the TV. Can't wait to see what he's gonna do to it. ^^
11/22/2007 c4 souzen
aww. *hug* hope you feel better.
11/22/2007 c3 souzen
aww. I almost feel bad for Michael.
11/22/2007 c2 souzen
lol. Poor Rome. He'll eventually get the hang of being human. ^^ I love your characters by the way.
11/22/2007 c1 souzen
plutonian aliens!
11/15/2007 c1 3Apotheosis X
Ah, I came here after you commented on my story, Wheel of the Year, and I realized that I've read this before- before I had even gotten a FictionPress account. And I really liked it. And I still like it. I love your characters. The whole set up (format... whatever, i hope you get what I'm saying) doesn't allow for much outside of dialogue, but you still develop them really well. Through dialogue I realized that I find Rome amazingly cute. :)

I just wonder what he looks like.

Sorry for the rambling. It all comes down to my one suggestion: keep up the great work.

11/12/2007 c7 8failte200
Heh, okay, that was pretty sweet. But your chapters are so short!

And anyway, it's about time that Michael had a sweet thought about his alien. Just one. To show us where you're heading. Because... I KNOW that's where you're heading... right?
11/2/2007 c7 4Narcotic Affliction
Omg, this is really hilarious!

You just about killed me with the Human Mutant Thing, ah. Update soon! Please, this is really funny.
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