Just In
for Dear Imagination

1/2/2022 c1 1deee
I came back for my almost yearly re-read of this story of yours. I'm so sad to see it's been taken down, though I completely understand if you're not comfortable having your work available online anymore (I remember the plagiarism problems there were back in the day and can only guess this is still the case now).
I loved absolutely everything about this story - the pacing, the dialogue, the humour, everything!
Anyway, I'll be switching to your Twilight spoof Just Like a Fruitcake (which I also absolutely love as well) but if there's any other website you'll be using in future to host your stories or if you're looking at publishing work, I'd happily support you. :) All the best!
5/2/2021 c1 HeyCharles
Whoa, what a great story I just read. I suggest you publish your book in NovelStar, a lot of readers will love your work.
3/29/2021 c1 anon
Please bring this story back :( I remember it when it was on PF as a book for Project Publish, and then finding it here...I miss Lyn and Christopher and Carol! I hope you as an author are doing well!
6/3/2020 c1 3the-booky-bookworm
Ahhhhhhhhh please please bring this back! I will genuinely pay you haha
1/2/2015 c25 Guest
I'll just start by saying that I almost didn't read this. Thank god I did, though.
This is the first time in a while that a book has really left me speechless. I just loved everything about it: the characters, the chemistry between Christopher and Lillian, the way that the relationship wasn't rushed or anything. And the dark humour, I couldn't get enough.
Your writing flowed perfectly and I couldn't fault it. This better be published in print some day!
8/31/2014 c1 Julietish
Hi! It's Juliet from A Drop of Romeo. When your story was featured on ADoR, a judge wrote this review for it: Dear Imagination tells the story of Lyn, who has anthropophobia. She writes letters to her imagination, often detailing many vivid ways in which she will kill it, in order to scare away everyone in her school. That is until she gets some new neighbours, Carol, who talks incessantly, and Christopher, your typical silent, chain-smoking bad boy.

Although Lyn and Christopher aren’t the nicest of people, you grow to like them as their surprisingly cute relationship develops. Loly Darko writes really well, with very few mistakes and an almost perfect flow. The story is laced with drama, particularly as Lyn’s struggles with the anthropophobia that overshadows her life.

The humour is very witty and black, reflected in both of the main characters’ personalities. Funnier moments are provided by Lyn torturing her school’s hapless counsellor, Ms. Cybil, letting her think she’s a nymphomaniac along with ‘mentally disturbed’.

Dear Imagination isn’t the type of story I would typically choose, but in this instance, I was glad I stepped out of my comfort zone as I was treated to a really memorable story.
6/28/2014 c25 ajashire1
I was so into thus story I didn't even know this was the last chapter I truly loved it. At first I didn't like Lillian I thought she was stupid but then I got over it and realized that she's just bat-shit crazy. Like myself (though I'm not crazy anymore just fucked up weird) so how could I honestly not adore her. *cheshire cat grin*
12/23/2013 c25 Ayame Yoshida
This story is so hysterical! :)
10/16/2013 c25 Aspired Writer
Oh my god, that was absolutely amazing! xD The plot line was incredible and definitely kept me hooked. Not to mention the characters were hilarious and all very lovable.
More people should be reading this. It's one of my favourites, hands down. And it's the kind of story that you could reread over and over again and never get sick of it.
Thank for you sharing this story!

P.S. You're a very talented writer.
6/6/2013 c25 1Margatini
Enjoyed this story a lot. I love Lyn. She's so different and funny in her own way.
6/4/2013 c16 Margatini
I was really hoping that Toph would come to rescue her from Sean!
6/3/2013 c9 Margatini
The last part was HILARIOUS.
6/3/2013 c8 Margatini
Cybil is a dumb bitch,
6/2/2013 c6 Margatini
I love how she screws up her counselor.
6/1/2013 c3 Margatini
You write extremely well!
And I have to agree with Toph. Her friend is retarded.
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