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for On the Way to Ever After: Ivy and Miguel Tell All

10/1/2023 c1 Chocme
Plz say something... anything. Even to tell me you never want to talk to me again...
9/19/2023 c1 Chocme
I know shouldnt be saying all this and acting crazier than i already did... but it hurts. I cant tell u how much it hurts. Uve known me for more than a decade...when did i ever act like that? Doc says the ptsd is getting worse hence the extreme downs and anger . ... and maybe or maybe not but im wondering why one of the few ppl i still trust is turning her back on me. I feel like ive been punched in the chest and knife in the heart and all those hyperboles.
Where is my soul sister. Where is the person ive shared so much with. I understand im ill and it makes it very difficult to be friends with me... but the radio silence, the indifference hurts so much.
9/17/2023 c1 Chocme
You don't care and it hurts so so much. And no reply. Nothing.
7/15/2017 c1 SeriousAliysa
I always come back to read this every time I think about it and it still is so good Ivy and Missouri go through a lot and it still leaves you questioning what's next? Get together! I love the aspect of the interview storytelling flashback that's always been my favorite direction of the novel!

Patently waiting xxx
6/1/2016 c20 Hey
I can't believe you updated, I had given up hope but I still check sometimes because I love your story, characters, writing so much, and suddenly! An update, years later. Thank you for letting us be a part of all this, and it's good to know that it is still alive, but moving glacially. I was reading until 4 am because I had to re-read some chapters before I could get to this one and get the proper feeling leading up to this. It's still is as wonderful, funny and exciting reading it now as it was reading it some years ago.

Regarding this chapter, the re-telling of what Ivy went through was necessary but horrible, and I can see how it is so important for the development of their relationship. I loved that you can see the connection grow deeper, with Miguel going from "Ivy's perfect", to seeing the real her and still loving it in these last few chapters! Also, the reader gets a deeper understanding of Ivy, so we become more invested as well. And excited for the next time we meet Ivy, Miguel and Moira!
5/29/2016 c20 I love Miguel
Oh and I love Canaletto's review... Totally agree!
5/29/2016 c20 I love Miguel
What coincidence dear Author, I also just happened to meet my soul sister through your story...funny life ehh? :)
Glacial speed? I'm trying to think of something that moves even more slowly than that! Maybe.. A snail going from Mauritius to Manila? :p
BUT... I will always come back to this story no matter how long Madame takes to write it! I'm pretty sure it's the only I've been following for so long!
I remember how I was obsessed with it when I first discovered it. I thought you'd think I was spamming your review section. A few years later...I actually met an amazing woman with a quirky daughter because of this story. People don't believe me when I tell them. This story was such a blessing in so many ways.

Ivy's story was...hard to read to say the least. But I was somewhat prepared - I still remember being shocked by a flashback in earlier chapters, on bloody thighs, smell of vomit, chafing tiles and a door slamming shut.

But it's out in the open and Miguel never ceases to amaze me. And now... On to how they have to face peoples judgements and overcome that..

Oh and...ahem... Crusty skin, rat breath, marshmallow eyes? Wait wait! Migs handing her HIS very own CRUSTY hankerchief?! I. Can't. Breathe.
5/27/2016 c20 Canaletto
It took me a few tries to read this chapter. I'd stop, walk away for a bit, then come back. I did that more than once before I finished. I know I've said in earlier reviews that I am emotionally invested in these characters to an extent that I rarely feel, but ... wow. On the Way to Ever After just fell into the "can count on one hand" category. I really do need to reread this (again), because your writing makes me feel. Not in the "this looks like a good book hey it was a good book I'm glad I read it I might read again but probably not because there are other books to read" sense, but in a "this book invokes an emotional response" sense. And if I've worded myself poorly and those two things sound way too similar, I apologize, but this is the sort of story that I do reread because it doesn't stop making me feel after one go.

I moved on from FictionPress a few years ago, but I have kept my account solely so that I can keep your story on my alert list, so that I get the emails when you update, and so that I can keep leaving reviews. When people ask me about romance, or even just relationships (platonic or otherwise) in fiction in general, this is what I point them to. Honestly, when I'm struggling to write characters as more than two-dimensional, I read this to see how it is done.

Finally, if this review seems rambling or confusing or whatever, I'm sorry, but I'm the writer's equivalent of speechless right now. I can't put these feelings into words. If I can only say one thing clearly: this is so good. I can't express it to the extent I want, but I want to try.

Your story is so, so good.

11/7/2015 c1 choc me
Ahhhh I think I'll re-read the whole story again...not only do I need some good - amazing- reading material but I want to immerse myself in this world again since there's a very real possibility that I'll be seeing it for real...*sigh*
1/5/2015 c1 Choc me
Hello Moira...

It's early in the morning and I haven't slept. I wanted to wait until I read this chapter to review (concentration issues as it often happens with me) but I needed to say a few simple things, but which mean a lot to me.

I've already told you about my opinion on your incredibly amazing writing skills, so enough of fan gushing about that :) [Although I meant every word of it]

But what I really want to say today, right now, is that you've touched me more than I could put into words with your stories. I know that life's not always been easy on you and that you yourself can give you a really hard time...Not feeling good enough and all that stuff. And I sometimes wonder if you truly realise not only how gifted a writer you are, but what an inspiring person too. You have so much to give and you seem to give freely, probably without even realising at times, I'd bet.

We've never met in person, but I learned so much from you and your stories. If I had to guess I'd say you're an old soul, wise beyond what even you can comprehend.

I've read good stories, I've read great stories, but I can truthfully say and without any false flattery that none of them moved me and taught me and so much more that your stories. My favourite being - as you surely know- "On the way to ever after".

If I were half as good with words as you I'd try to tell why and how exactly this very peculiar story moved and changed my life, but I don't think I could ever do it justice...

Just know that you amaze me. And Although we've never met in person, I love you... (Ahem in a platonic, sisterly, kindred spirit kind of way - Although I've don't have any problems with Lesbians! - But just so we're clear and I don't come across as creepy :)

(Did you know that when I came across your story I almost did not click on it because of the age difference? That would've been such a big, sorry mistake...All it took was one click..can you imagine that? Life is so...I don't have the words)
12/2/2014 c3 Choc me
Okayyyyy I have to ask...When Ivy was 20 she looked like she was 12. At the time this interview is taking place Ivy is 25 yeah? But how old does she physically look like?

Oh and it doesn't matter how long you take to update this, it's worth the wait...
12/2/2014 c2 Choc me
Here I am reading this fic all over again... My fav plushie :-)
12/1/2014 c19 Choc me
Hey Moira...I was tired of reading mindless fluff and half decently written fics, so I came back to this..(I admit I'm a snob when it comes to reading..) But mostly I needed some comfort and as far as fiction goes, this fic is it for me..
I saw that you've uploaded a new fic but right now I'm not feeling great and don't feel like meeting new characters.. I just want to get lost in something familiar, comforting, which brings me warmth...
10/11/2014 c1 choc me
Sorry m'lady, cough syrup tend to make me a little loopy...and though my words are mostly a convoluted mess, the sentiments behind them are heartfelt... 3
10/11/2014 c1 Choc me
I want - no demand! - more of that awesomeness!
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