Just In
for Rain

8/4/2008 c1 Me
nice =]

At first I thought the chorus thingy was a repeated too much. Then I realised it's a song, not a poem xD nice work =D
2/25/2008 c1 16Crysta Mayville
I think this would have been better as a poem, instead of a song... but it's still good!
10/6/2007 c1 just.guess
heyy joeyy.

i love this song.

you better post it on the net.

it will be a mega hit.
10/4/2007 c1 7Japhith
This is my favorite stanza;

"I watch as the land is misused,

Farmed and destroyed, and I am confused.

When will we realise what we have done?

When will there be peace again?"

Why? Because 'again' doesn't rhyme with misused, confused, or done. The rhythm of the poem was fine (less a small hiccup in the last line) and the four lines to a stanza thing, while a little boring outside of a sonnet, is a tried and true song writing format.

My biggest beef is the rhyming. I know, I know... it sounds better right? You reviewed a poem of mine that rhymed, so you know I'm not just a rhyme hater (can a person even be a rhyme hater?) it's just with this poem, song thing, I feel sacrificing the SOUND of it for the LANGUAGE would have been better.

God, I feel like an English teacher. Okay, here's your homework. Try your hand at a language poem. A language poem is a poem without any form (you don't even need stanzas, if you don't want them) with no rules. In fact, it doesn't even have to make sense in any contextual way. The important parts are the rhythm and the LANGUAGE. Use good words. Fun words. Still in at least semi-complete thoughts, but try to really extend your vocabulary. Use a dictionary.

Why try this? Because it's outside your set comfort zone. This is ultra-modern, still very new stuff. Your goal as a writer, but especially as a poet (and really, who isn't a poet?) should be to try everything, and really broaden your scope.

Of course, all this is just me being constructively critical, and HOPING to see more from you. It's the English Teacher in me dying to get out. I'll author alert you, and hope to see more from you soon... try that language poem! If you want some examples, just PM me... I'm sure I have some lying around here somewhere in my VOLUMES of poetry and literary mags...

10/1/2007 c1 half-sketched.staccatos
konnichi wa

Ah, nature song - gotchya. I like it! And, sadly, I completely agree with it. Though there are a few people that actually care about the environment and the earth, the majority of people are too busy worrying about the stuff they'll buy, the lives they'll live, etc, to care about the fact that we're destroying our home. I liked this!


9/29/2007 c1 Arafax
Interesting. Nicely done. Good work.

8/12/2007 c1 eMoMuFfIn
Yay, your song lyrics.

Your song sounded nice, and don't rebut me with a "Your song was too". :)

8/10/2007 c1 15Greenery
Very powerful stuff, and very sad. A nice read though. I enjoyed your style.
7/5/2007 c1 13Hear As The Outcasts Hear
it was pretty good. only one word of advice:

pick a set rhyming pattern and stick to it. it's all over the place. beyond that, it's good!
7/2/2007 c1 16RuathaWehrling
Thanks for the review a while back. I'm finally getting back to you - it's been busy!

I admit it. I always have problems reading song lyrics. I guess they just need to be sung. But anyhow, you did a nice job. A rather depressing song - you imply that there's no hope, either for us or the planet as a whole. But, given that theme, I think the last two lines are very fitting.

Well done!


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