Just In
for Secrets hidden in silence

11/20/2007 c56 kiki
looks like Zach wanted Dimitri to have 'car accident'.
11/20/2007 c56 1Initially loaded
That ending was cute...in a deranged way, cause the fact that he's kidnapped aint so good, but whatever. CANT WAIT FOR MORE.
11/20/2007 c56 notreal17
i knew that was what he was going to say!
11/20/2007 c56 5Kathleen Moon
don't worry, I started typing the next chapter of my story in accounting class, so I can update tonight *fingers crossed*...lol

I'm so proud of Dimitri! He got away! Now, Beau can come to the rescue and we can live happily ever after...right? -glares menacingly- Update soon!
11/20/2007 c55 73xanthofile
man, you ARE a twisted s.o.b. :laughs:
11/20/2007 c55 noone2
i don't want a kidnapping! *sulks*

get kia there on a job, say he's been looking for a lost puppy or something :D

i don't want kidnappings :( *wails*

11/20/2007 c55 jjwitdaheydiddydiddy
My god, what the HELL do you think you're doing? Crap. Now Dimitri's gonna get raped. Has the poor boy not suffered enough? When will the killing END? Better question, if he was watching Zach the whole time, how did he not notice him slipping a roofie into his drink?
11/19/2007 c55 11My Chemical Music Box
I can't believe Zach would drug Dimitri! Why would he do that?

Nearly th end? aw...


Update Soon!
11/19/2007 c55 notreal17
the drama the drama
11/19/2007 c55 2Jayn
No Way. No way, no way, no way...

Do you realize you render me incapable of speech (writing) after almost every chapter? TOTALLY not fair that you know what's going to happen and I don't. *pouts* PLEASE update! Want happy-happy-joy-joy.


I mean, I want another chapter Please! (and another, and another, and another, and another... well, I think you get it. Lol)
11/19/2007 c55 5Kathleen Moon
o, Dimitri's in trouble! Beau must be to the rescue! Needs help!

and no, I haven't been able to finish the chapter, which means there is no kiss, yet. Update soon!
11/19/2007 c55 avidmoonstar
So, is what Zachariah is telling Dimitri the truth? Or has he twisted it in his mind to fit the fact that he blames Beau for his brother's death? And why would he want to drug Dimtri, unless he were going to kidnap him, but that wouldn't make sense. Everyone would know who had taken him. Aah! Confusing!

And I'll be sad when it's over:(
11/19/2007 c55 Vicci
My poor Dimitri! I said nothing good would come out of it. =[ We're getting to know the story though.. but who to believe? Zac could be lying just to draw in Dimitri. Ah the dilemma!

Coming to an end? No! All good things come to an end I suppose. And hopefully the ending will be happy.. and it will make everyone happy.

Tea? It's a good job I don't like tea.. heh.

No sweet foods? Mmkay. Hows about some salted nuts? I prefer cashews myself. I was potty trained on them, rofl.
11/19/2007 c55 krista-pixie
oh cliffy!

dun dun dun!

cant wait for the next chappie!
11/19/2007 c55 Corrupted Lungs
HOLY FUCKING SHIT! But... in a public place? How will he get away with that? SHIT!
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