Just In
for But I Love You

7/5/2007 c18 1TheQuilAndInk
This chapter is so awesome i'm so glad she found out yay

dag nabit i hate cliff hangars but they do contribute to awesome stories so i just hope you update as soon as possible

can't wait :-)
7/5/2007 c18 2Miraculous.Science
something bads gonna happen...I bet Holly answers the door. I LOVE YOU! YOU MADE HER REALIZE SHE LOVED TRENT! unless this is just a ruse(not sure how to spell that) to get me happy then bring me down. :( i hope its the first. but i still think your wonderful either way!
7/5/2007 c18 3Pereo Angelus
Nice as always.
7/5/2007 c17 Pereo Angelus
I liked it, but the part where Colby was talking to his mother confused me
7/5/2007 c2 glittericous
you have a good plot, but you need to work on your grammar.
7/5/2007 c17 2Miraculous.Science
7/5/2007 c16 Nitchu Mikata
It's such a great story! I love it, so cute...

7/5/2007 c16 3JGoddess
yes...I liked it ... xD Thanks for update =) YAY I like Colby but Trent did wrote that little thing on the wall, and Ally still do have feelings for Trent. OMG I just want Colby and Ally to stay together...but ur the author ... that's what makes it special to read. I'll never know what will happen until I read it =). Thanks again for update.
7/5/2007 c16 s036198
Wow! Great story keep the i can't wait for the next chapter!
7/5/2007 c16 Luv-TU
I like this story!
7/5/2007 c16 Nadinerdrgz
aw i love it but i like Colby and i like trent to so i see is going to be a good and crazy story
7/5/2007 c16 1Haybay smartie
i love this story! it has to be the most believeable story that I have ever read on fictionpress. please please please update soon!
7/4/2007 c16 3Pereo Angelus
really liked this chapter as usual. But Trent wrote that sentence on the wall, didn't he? Hmm, I'm wondering why nobody's offered to be your Beta, people normally rush to be one...
7/4/2007 c16 2Miraculous.Science
I know he's just being insecure and all, but i still like Trent better. and he's an ass, i wonder what it'll be like when i start dating (which wont happen anytime soon thanks to an older brother with knives and a knowledge of some kind of karati thing). i will probably be attracted to all the idiots. oh god! update soon!
7/4/2007 c15 Nitchu Mikata
OMG What a twist of plot. I love it! Please let her stay with Colby! (praying)

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