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for Xnay on Angerday, s'il vous plaît

8/24/2021 c20 9Tidoo
I love this story so much!
10/14/2020 c20 Guest
Ahhhhhhhhh! Loved it! Thank you so much for sharing your story with us :)
5/10/2019 c13 Northfacegrl5
Getting Mummy vibes
5/9/2019 c9 Northfacegrl5
They’re hilarious
4/17/2018 c20 4fyriagita
I'm glad I have found this story!
I love badass-soft-hearted Matty and positively-annoying June. And don't forget the snotty-brad Gabby.

And I love her brother's squad too!
It will be amazing to make a side story about the brothers. They seem to have different characters and habit. Please include June if you decided to make this. I just loving the family-brothery-sistery themed stories.

Anyway, I am really glad I am stumble to your story. Gonna read your others babies.
11/5/2016 c20 2bubublacz
This was good. :)
3/5/2016 c20 slcjnk2008
This was a great ending and I love Gabby. I love your creative mind. It has given your readers a wonderful world in which we can become a part of this family of characters you have created each time we read and 're-read one of your stories. You are an exceptional writer and look forward to reading your new stories when you have the time to write them. Shelley
11/16/2015 c20 augmentedDREAMS
I liked this book so much better than the previous two. I loved both the main characters and am really sad to see their story end. I'd have loved to read more, so much more!

June and Matty forev
9/13/2015 c20 2bleedingonyx
This story...just wow. I loved everything about it, from the lead characters to the unpredictable plot to the witty dialogue. You're a brilliant writer. Keep up the amazing work!
5/25/2015 c20 ajashire1
Okay cuuuuuute X3

I didn't want to read this at first but kept reading it anyway because I was bored, but now I'm happy I did.

-Aja :D
12/18/2014 c20 bluebottles
Very good story,different ;and sweet.
8/6/2014 c20 Serena
absolutely love it, action, adventure, romance and fantasy themes are all anyone could hope for. Beautifully written and reminded me of romancing the stone! Thanks for the great read :) you are a fantastic author
6/13/2014 c1 1Clever Eagle
Ok, I have to say, even if I'm not a huge fan of damsels in distress, you made June lovable despite it. She was a wonderfully three dimensional character who I could sympathize with and cheer for. And I like that even though you used the common kidnapping theme, you made it unique and involved her family and friends. Way too often the female lead is just totally alone with her captor *cough Stockholm Syndrome cough* and it's totally unrealistic and makes me do an eye roll. Reminds me of my more childish, silly ideas of what was "romantic" back when I read some bad fiction as a preteen on Quizilla. P

Also, I really liked that you didn't romanticize rape and instead treated it realistically and seriously as a major obstacle in Matty's parents' relationship. Far too often consent is overlooked in other stories, mainstream media etc and it's a big deal. Having a mom and friends who've had experiences with rape, it's a subject that's very close to my heart and I hate seeing it trivialized, even in fiction. It was a pleasure reading your work, thanks for posting it for others to enjoy!
9/28/2013 c20 2PaintedPicture
It was a lovely story, :)
9/2/2013 c20 Dominique Diane
SMACK SMACK! Gabby was his daughter? DOUBLE SMACK! Goodness, it was a completely surprise! Love the story :)
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