Just In
for Stuck In A Bathroom With You

11/18/2014 c13 Rachel
Awesome story!
9/28/2012 c7 4ToBreakMyFall
7/10/2012 c13 mysty
That was so good! Thanks for sharing!
1/6/2012 c13 7J.J. LaRoux
This WA such a cute story to read, I absolutely loved it!
6/14/2011 c13 XDon't-Panic-SkyX
Fav story on fictionpress! I love it!
3/22/2011 c13 cheesecake15
ADORABLE! Wonderful story Goldberg, completely awesome

. xx .
1/7/2011 c2 2Aurora Clarte
Favourited :)
1/7/2011 c1 Aurora Clarte
Wow I really like this chapter. Story sounds amazing already :)
12/23/2010 c13 8J.R. Delacore
I absolutly loved it. :)
11/27/2010 c8 3theatlparagkyard
Man,if I was her I would have curbstomped that wanker Molly!And Rick! Love the story:D
7/12/2010 c13 Ngoc1231
Wow. Engaged at 18/17. But this was a great story! And thinking about how long they've known each other and had to deal with all of the anger and fights, they are probably going to be fine.

I liked how the secret word was thank you and how it was brought up later in the story. I also did like how he asked her to get married, that is cute. And for the, watching movies with ugly actors, there are movies that I think the guy isn't the best looking guy in the movie, but the antics and the personality makes them more attractive.. or maybe that is just me?

Love the story!

5/9/2010 c13 Alanisaur
Awe, so cute!
4/18/2010 c13 Guest
Good story idea with the bathroom...But that was WAY too cheesy. haha P:
8/20/2009 c13 7smurf-love
aw that was so sweet...i love the ending...
7/28/2009 c13 Dead Deactivated
How Adorable! I have to say this was the sweetest story i have ever read and im not lying
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