Just In
for I'm Not a Goddess

2/5/2009 c1 1TheEntertainer26
This descrbes being human in a way I have never seen before, and I think every human should read this because it is a perfect description of a flawed person, but everyone is flawed and can therefore relate to this.

I love how the tone of the poem changed on the line "But I will scream at you" - it was completely unexpected and brilliant.

Your mind is one of extreme talent and briliance.

10/1/2007 c1 Anonymous
Wow. That is so generous of you to give the rest of us excellent motivation to write after reading your shite! I must say, I'm impressed. I haven't seen anything worse. Keep it up!
7/27/2007 c1 Rachel R
the poem "I'm not a Goddess" I completely totally loved, I think that was my fav!

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