Just In
for cool hand luke

5/26/2011 c1 recycle rhymes
I like how it is sing-songy. it's like you wrote it to a song. at least looks like it.
6/21/2009 c2 4The-Golden-Hour
Food Poetry = yum-tastic! XD
11/26/2008 c2 5Camelia Sinensis

you remind me of regina spektor.

and a bit of charles budowski.
6/29/2008 c2 84persephone in waiting
The interesting thing about both chapters of this poem is that the phrases you use such as "yeah, i love the way/you close your eyes/and sigh deep like you're/used to releasing things" are super suggestive, whether or not they're meant to be. Notwithstanding, these are both passionate, filled with desire, and leave me with thoughts reminiscent of my own experiences with beautiful boys.
4/17/2008 c2 8Written
wow, just gorgeous. you have a real way with words and you managed to say a lot with very few.
4/17/2008 c1 Written
have you seen the movie by the same name as your title? I love it. the word play is just wonderful.
4/5/2008 c2 29narcissus loved me
the comparison is mind-bogglingly crazy.

i am now officially infatuated with this one!
2/18/2008 c2 91fairytale failure
Interesting comparision! I love food similies =P It makes it really easy to understand what you mean, as long as the reader has tasted a cream puff before.
2/18/2008 c1 fairytale failure
Aw, I love this so much. You spend most of the poem praising this person, and in the last two lines you make it bittersweet as well. I like your hyphenated adjectives, like 'shy-gun' and 'heart-melt'.
2/10/2008 c1 65Nemonus
Good. For once I'm not sure what else to say. I like your odd, italicized adjectives and the lack of capitalization. The last line made the poem sad, where before it wasn't.
12/4/2007 c1 lymli
my favorite part: you think you’re a

break-my-heart boy

with your shy-gun smile

I really love this.

good poem.
11/10/2007 c1 1relapse into change
this is beautiful

iloveloveLOVE this so much

8/29/2007 c1 64painting andromeda
I liked this, the truth and the degrading nature of it.
8/19/2007 c1 14kit feral


"it’s the way you lean that got me snared"

though I love the perfectperfect ending, that's my favorite line. I have a leaning fetish. boys have stupid torsos that curve so nicely when they lean.

so yeah, I totally love this in a squealy fan girl way. in case you couldn't tell. : P
8/2/2007 c1 65Stella Grimshaw
I loved this. It reminds me so much of a poem I wrote a while back.
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