Just In
for Don't let go

6/11/2008 c1 5moonwalkerAspen
Oh my god! WHY IS HE DYING!
11/12/2007 c1 8failte200
Humph. You seem to have a knack for starting fics, and then calling them "complete". Do I detect an interesting age-difference between Jeff and Damien? Looks like I'll never know.

Of course, maybe that's my fault for reading your shortest stories. Let's try a longer one.
11/2/2007 c1 4Narcotic Affliction
Wow, inspiring...
9/10/2007 c1 10J.L. Hastings
Aw! How cute! Is this a oneshot?
8/27/2007 c1 7EstherDay
I love how you threw some sarcasm in there with the dramatics! You wrote this very well, will this be a chapter fic? Will we find out what happened to Jeff? Hm ~
7/21/2007 c1 6RaVeN-naILs
this story really gripped me... i don't know why. i guess i like tradgety, death-ish type stories. weird 0.o. but that's besides the point, i like your story. please update soon! your story interests me.
7/21/2007 c1 magalina
Ooh, me likes. Really, you always try different styles, I LOVE that. Keep it up!

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