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for Bittersweet Goodbyes

8/11/2007 c1 31Asphodelus
I like this, especially the beginning. It seems to have alot of feeling in it.
7/30/2007 c1 463All Alone With Her Thoughts
How about "Bittersweet Goodbyes"? Sometimes when I can't come up with titles, I take a line/a couple of words from the poem itself.

Nice write.

7/25/2007 c1 16Spuriously-WoodsWorth
Ok so that one was about me, and your sister going to college... right?
7/25/2007 c1 36Damned Soul Of Chaos
aw thatz so tuchin! i luv italot. cal itt "time has madefo ols of us" cuz i rly lyked tht lyne!

it wuz the best 1!1



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