Just In
for As if she knew

8/9/2007 c1 19EmeraldsAndPearls33
I love this! Who is this talking about, if I may ask? Teacher, mother?

God, if I haven't felt exactly the same way. Like a zoo animal no one knows the name of but pretends to know everything about. So I'm smart! Okay! Go about your day, people. Nothing to see here. Oy! But I digress... :P

So are you actually eleven? If so, that's very impressive. You have the talent to take you far someday if you don't stop writing-like to be a professional poet, if that's what you want. :) You know, not to be a zoo visitor or anything... :P

Anyway, this was a lovely poem that I really connected with! Thanks so much!

Em ;)
8/1/2007 c1 16Spuriously-WoodsWorth
Come on Serena, you are all of those things. And trust me(but you don't have to) you are more mature than most older kids. Take me for example.Lol.
7/29/2007 c1 70Aryanda
i could totally sympathize with the narrator of this poem. it reminded me of how my mom treats me-as if i'm too stupid to know the consquences of what i do, and when i do happen to do something extraordinary, like i don't even know the depth of what i've done. it was great to be able to relate to this poem :)

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