Just In
for His 'Inspirational' Speech

8/23/2007 c1 HJWG
WOAH it's great, this is the stuff poetry's made of
8/9/2007 c1 19EmeraldsAndPearls33
I really like this! It seems like a funny scene from a movie, where the main character can't stop staring at a gap in a school administrator's teeth, and then the gap widens as the camera zooms in and the kid either passes out or wakes up screaming. :D But I also liked the double meaning of "the gap just got bigger". It's a gap in understanding and also one of those sleazy gaps like a car salesman has, and it just keeps getting bigger and more annoying as the guy keeps talking.

Um, backstory, please? I'm curious. :D

Thanks for another poem I can relate to!

Em ;)
8/1/2007 c1 16Spuriously-WoodsWorth
That was very funny.

I loved it, when was this?
7/29/2007 c1 5Eelex
its not hugely funny but it puts a smile on my face. im guessing this is a classroom. lol i watch the clock all the time.

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