Just In
for she walked on

8/21/2007 c1 16Spuriously-WoodsWorth
I seriously hope this was not about you. Just explain. I loved it, I always do, it was good imagery, and it made me think(as always).
8/13/2007 c1 78Ironic Presence
Hmm... interesting. I've felt this way before.

I think it's good for a start-the story behind the poem is all there-but you can probably expand it some more in detail with some adjectives. You can sculpt a better emotion out of it. It has potential. ;)

Keep writing!

Ironic Presence
8/8/2007 c1 4gn0sis
It's well written enough but I wish you'd develop certain concepts (her beauty went unnoticed-is that an irony? because physical beauty, which I assume is the case by referencing the bikini, especially in women, is often noticed). Good work, I liked it.

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