Just In
for insignificance

8/21/2007 c1 16Spuriously-WoodsWorth
This one I couldn't quite figure out/understand, so please, as always explain.
8/11/2007 c1 6concerto49
Hm yes, have to agree. We sometimes to feel minute.

Often things dear to us to the outside world is nothing.

We are like an ant in a big colony. At least we learn to cherish our own world.

Cool. Cheers.
8/10/2007 c1 17Sunshine Lust
oh wow. very striking an intense... especially for something so short. it seems to pass at the same tiny rate of time it suggests... and at the same time filling endless amounts of emotional space.

so much fucking awe.
8/10/2007 c1 4gn0sis
I think "cybertrash" is a great metaphor. Good work here.

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