Just In
for The Vampire's Half Moon

11/23/2014 c5 APissedOffReader
All the supporting characters from the story are great they're awesome without Alex bitch I want to punch her in the fucking face she's the reason I have to give up on this story. I hate how she things the world revolves around her and she thinks she has all these rights which she doesn't! I hate her and i just can't keep reading even thought I absolutely adore all of the supporting characters, the main character is a fucking bitch. I hope she isn't model after anyone real because then this whole world is going to hell.
7/26/2014 c21 ajashire1
I had fun.
8/21/2013 c14 11The Undecisive Thinker
I've been waiting for that kiss -.-
And I'll be waiting for the next one :P
8/21/2013 c12 The Undecisive Thinker
I love Zane. Is it even possible to resist an outrageously gorgeous bad-ass vampire who appears to have a hidden soft side? Nah, I don't think so :3 I really like the story so far too. Good work!
8/1/2012 c11 2Ima-eat-u
Loved the end of the chapter. Zane was too cute :D

I cant help but wonder about the song, my first thought was maybe a vampire (evil) trying to get inside her mind or calling to her in a hypmotizing way.. I dont know..
I hope you explain it in the next chapter!

Loved it!
7/31/2012 c4 Guest
Loved it
7/31/2012 c3 Ima-eat-u
Great chapter! I love this story :D
7/31/2012 c2 Ima-eat-u
Oh no, cliff hanger!
7/31/2012 c1 Ima-eat-u
This is a great start to the story! I cant wait to read more!
11/21/2011 c21 1Elaina McKenzie Sharpe
Awww, this was a really cute end. I think that Alex has quite a bit of decisions to make in her future between Zane and Ty. I honestly think I'm leaning more towards Zane at this point, but Ty is VERY close on his heels in my LOVE HIM ratings.

I certainly need to read the sequel no and I'm guessing the one who gets married is...Maddie, just because she might not be thew one expected. If it's Zane I'm going to be seriously mad and it can't be Alex because she can't decide who she loves yet so it's definitely not her.

Guess I'll just have to wait and see, won't I?
11/21/2011 c20 Elaina McKenzie Sharpe
NOOOOOOO! -Eyes bug out, mouth hangs open in a completely unattractive expression- ZAAAAAAANNNNNNEEEEE!
11/21/2011 c19 Elaina McKenzie Sharpe
WHAAAAAT! Holy crap! I knew there was something screwy with this chick, but she's one of THEM! Dang!
11/21/2011 c18 Elaina McKenzie Sharpe
Aw, and I totally can't see her seeling preppy t-shirts, lol.
11/18/2011 c17 Elaina McKenzie Sharpe
WHAT! this is insanity! She hasn't done ANYTHING!
11/16/2011 c16 Elaina McKenzie Sharpe
It might be cool to have a story in Nat's POV. And AWWWW! Ty finally said what has been glaringly obvious for practically the whole stroy! Yay for him! And sad aw, poor Natalie. I wish Zane could love her too. Zane and Natale could be together and Ty and Alex and then Maddie could find some drop dead gorgeous vampire and everyone could be happy! Is that going to happen? Probably not.
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