Just In
for Love Bites

12/22/2013 c4 Wickedforlife
Why is nobody protesting to the fact that a minor is getting married.
12/1/2011 c21 2Among-the-Vampires
Well I have a few things to say, seeing as I have now finished reading the whole story.

First I would like to note, that it is a very good story line, but it seemed to me you moved to fast and there could have been more detail given on a lot of things. Such as the fights with the werewolves. And on Sarahs past, like a flash back to when her parents got her or something.

Second,I thought her dad left and took her brother with him? So how did they end up back?

And thirdly, there was some gramer mistakes as well. I think revising it would be good, also.

I'm not telling you all of tihs to make you feel like a crappy writer or anything, I just want to help better you in your writing. :)

Like i said i liked the story line, i just think it could have done with more detail, and maybe a little longer maybe. Like puit in chapters of the fights and what not. Or something.

I hope this helps you with future writing.

Again i did like the story. Keep up the writing.
7/22/2011 c21 BehindGlassHouses
love the story
6/7/2011 c21 TheGoddessPixie
It was all cool til you brought amy into the story...amy must die and Jared needs to pull his head out of his ass.

Sarah and Jared had enough drama on their own, a 3rd party was not needed to keep the drama going... in fact it turned me away from the story and I stopped reading as Sarah was in too much pain to continue... I read the epilogue expecting that Sarah would have either killed herself or married the werewolf dude and let him kill her... but either way I expected Sarah to be dead and Jared would spend eternity in grief and guilt for her death.
6/7/2011 c14 TheGoddessPixie
So what happened to Az? You know, Jared's SISTER, and supposed best friend to Sarah? Why couldn't she be maid of honor instead of the man-stealing Nadia? Why can't men see what is right in front of them?

Jared needs to be schooled about women, first he calls Sarah a FAT Pig, then he says she's OLD? at SIXTEEN? Seriously, Jared is stupid. He needs to cut all ties with former flames and stop insulting his Bride.
2/26/2011 c21 2The Weatherwitch
Odd end there ;D but i really liked this, well done!
1/10/2011 c21 Lifes.Little.Secrets
OMG I loved it! I cried I laughed it was amazing!
11/29/2010 c21 Thelazyauthorthatshallnameles
Awesome story! Love bites works with this story awesomely!

I'm gonna go read the sequel (if it's up) now.
6/5/2010 c1 2charmedgirl23
this is a very good, great, wonderful awesome story that i like and love a lot ever since i started reading it. your a very great author who wrote this very great, good, wonderful story!
10/10/2009 c2 5buffyangelgirl
this is a really great and wonderful addicting good story to read since i first started reading it your a really author who wrote this realy great and wonderful good story.
4/23/2009 c21 11Sakiru Yume
The story was decent, except the ending, which was kind of lacking. I mean, it was just like he saves her, they return, Amy bites him, they marry, the end. It was kind of...I don't know, anti-climatic.
3/12/2009 c21 3I'm-The-Weird-Girl
YAY! i totally thought it was gonna be an unhappy ending and that i was gonna have to come and STARE at you until u changed it to a happy ending.

=P lols

damn am i glad thati won't have to

i so don't have the patience or time or... well okay i just can't be bothered


amazing story

i seriously loved it

if this was an actual book i would totally buy it!congrats on writing my all time fave story!
3/12/2009 c16 I'm-The-Weird-Girl
:O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O

:O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O

:O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O

to shocked 2 write...
3/12/2009 c15 I'm-The-Weird-Girl
holy crap

i guess she should of listened instead of nodding along


that sucks


gotta rd!
3/12/2009 c14 I'm-The-Weird-Girl
damn he can be an ass sometimes


he called her old? When he's a 300 year old vampire?

damn thats messed up!

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