Just In
for He Seemed So Normal

1/4/2009 c11 2AlijaS117
8/28/2008 c11 1XxTheSoNotMainStreamxX
Intense. Very.
8/7/2008 c11 crysintherain
Wow! It better not take forever to update! This is getting really good! I hope she gets out o.kay! And back into Greg's arms!
7/17/2008 c11 5Number One Dancing Queen
OMG! Horror! I loving this now. I first I was like okay but now I am loving it! Greg hurry up and save her!
7/17/2008 c11 24Soen22
Oh my gosh, you're an amazing author! This is the only thing in the world that has ever scared me! I have masks that look like they're soaked in blood above my bed and that doesn't scare me shit, you're truly amazing to make me scared, keep writeing I love it!
7/14/2008 c8 19S. M. Saves
At a university, the teacher would be a professor. Just a tiny detail.

Very sad. I didn't want Greg to go either.
7/14/2008 c5 S. M. Saves
This chapter seemed a little unrealistic. First off, I doubt Rachel and Greg would have been allowed back into the room, "the scene of the crime", so soon after the body had been found. And secondly, the Dean wouldn't have allowed Rachel to stay with Greg. He probably would have granted her a leave of absent to return home or the housing department would have set her up in another room.

That's me being picky. I'm just pointing this out but you can do what you want.
7/14/2008 c4 S. M. Saves
Up to this point, the only things I've been seeing are the occasional misspelled word and the lack of periods and question marks.

Maybe add in a little more description about the places/things around Rachel, what she sees and such.
7/14/2008 c11 5YTAK
Wow! Great cliff hanger! I like this story! Keep writing!

7/12/2008 c10 5WritingIsMyDrugOfChoice
Very good. I hope you keep writing...you may wanna watch for grammer mistakes though
7/3/2008 c9 7Ayla Gray
omgosh this is so good
6/10/2008 c10 1ShastaCola
this is really good and you should have him like do something that gives away what he is and she well you can decide it's not my story. :D
2/19/2008 c10 1PINKGAZER1990
omgosh how i ever love this story so much!=]=]=]=]=]=] cant wait for the nextt!
2/19/2008 c10 1TheQuilAndInk
Great chapter

Can't wait to see what happens next
2/19/2008 c10 14Halani


Tis all I have to say

Awesome chapter!

Sorry you got's some writer's block!

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