Just In
for Why I Hate Dating

2/23/2015 c1 16mizgardenia21
this was super cute!
11/17/2012 c1 22AFractionOfMySoul
Wow! I think I really liked this... yes, I did! good job. the tone was something I enjoyed, the quirks and everything.
4/9/2009 c1 5YellowShootingStar
I haven't heard a one-shot like this in a while. Very original,and I truly did enjoy reading it. Good job! :)
11/25/2008 c1 3Duuude
Utterly insane, you ask? Are you utterly insane?

That was totally awesome. I was laughing the entire time. It seems that she's better off not going on dates. I have the exact opposite problem. I just can't seem to bother and will probably scare people off with my lazy attitude. I really don't mind... anything. Too laid-back maybe?

But I love her! Gosh. I would love to meet her. She's already planned out the most horrible date.

The last few lines were awesome.

You made the entire thing hilarious and then something serious in the end. She hates dates that go wrong but on the other hand, she's still afraid of the perfect guy for her.

I loved it. Vulnerability and hilarity in one! Amazing. I only ask one favour of you...


See you've left me hanging for so long that I can't even rememember the title.

Okay, fine I have a horrible memory. Fine.

Anyway. I loved this cute little one-shot. I'm sure it was a laugh to write because it sure as hell was a laugh to read!
4/6/2008 c1 Blue Bird Cry
Haha! That was hardcore funny!

I'm the girl who orders the extra pineapple pizza, without ham and next to no cheese.

Who buys four outfit-shoe combinations out of sheer nervousness.

Extremely well written! I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.

However, you forgot to mention the issue of needing to go to the bathroom though. Do you leave your bag with him? Take it with you? How long do you take in the bathroom? Far out. I despise first dates.
12/24/2007 c1 4Lady Katreina
Hmm, utterly insane? Yes. True to life? You betcha.

I like it, and thank you for it.
12/19/2007 c1 1LiL PiNk 9o
This is very orignal, and I like it.
8/30/2007 c1 Desdemona
xD That was AWESOME! roflmfao! It kind of sounds like the dates my sister goes on and then comes home to complain about all the stupid things he did that she didn't like and when I ask how she told him she wasn't going to see him anymore, she'll look at me as if I am crazy and then say she is going on another date with him that weekend. Sigh. Life is complicated.^-^ In short, awesomely awesome story.


Dezzy :D
8/28/2007 c1 Miz Em
Love this! It's just fun to read and a nice commentary to the pressure in the life of a teenage girl. The what-ifs and alternative scenarios give it alot of depth in my opinion. I like the ending best. ^_^
8/25/2007 c1 1noriepie
it's awesome!

it has voice in it, and it brings the reader right into her dilemma because of the present tense. This could turn out something more than a one shot.
8/24/2007 c1 5candii-apple
lol. funny and cute ^^ nice work =)
8/23/2007 c1 8somuchformyhappyending
this was hilarious, and although I'm going to be a freshman in high school so I haven't been on a date yet, I imagine this is what I'll be like before my first date. it was incredibly realistic, and really cute too. I loved the ending. great job!
8/23/2007 c1 4IndigoAzucena
I really like it! There are a few akward pieces of language because it seems like she doesn't talk like a normal teenage girl, but the over-all theme is great.

If you edit it at all, e-mail me because I would LOVE to see a version where she narrates a little bit differently.

8/23/2007 c1 Sarah Allie
heheh i LOVE this! good job! i especially loved the last line. keep it up!
8/23/2007 c1 curator
LOL there were some laughs. I thought it was funny ;)
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