Just In
for A Gathering of Wings

10/17/2007 c1 25the face in the window
Hi! It's Rowan. I know I already reviewed this, but I just wanted to let you know I moved to this account.

9/30/2007 c1 50Ariel of Wonderland
I love you. I love this. Without a doubt, this is one of my favorite things of what you've written.
8/27/2007 c1 108Qzie
That was wonderful. I like how only the animals had names; you didn't give the human girl a name, and also the repeat of the opening at the end. The sentences got jumbled in the middle (probably technology's fault), but it's a great story. Good job. -Qzie
8/23/2007 c1 463All Alone With Her Thoughts
Oh, this is so cute. I loved it!


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