Just In
for Who am I?

2/1/2010 c1 courtesylaughs
Well done!
1/30/2010 c1 1Hiwiwy
I love it. I think this is appliable to every child/teenager.
11/7/2009 c1 3MellowGal
I love the poem. It's so easy to relate to because I think a lot of us define who we are based on what other people think of us (*raises hand*: guilty)...which is totally wrong, because no one knows all of our different sides or who we truly are, other than ourselves of course. So we SHOULD be asking 'Who am I?' not 'Who am I to you?'

Anyway, I loved it, it was great!
10/21/2009 c1 2Night's-Freedom

I dnt normally read poems on fictionpress, they aren't really my thing... HOWEVER, obv I read yours and I really loved it. In fact, I may have been persuaded to read more poems on this site. Obv there are alot of talented people :)... having said tht I'm a sucker for repetition lol. My favourite bit was the last line. "I think I need more time". I LOVE that, I think it about sums life up :). Plus I've always wondereed how other people see me. Is it the same way I see myself? Is it better, or worse? Who knows? lol. I'm rambling now so I'll stop :P

Awesome poem though. It made me think (nd tht's a dangerous thing lol so beware XD)

ANYWAY, I hope u have a gd week!


x x x
4/26/2009 c1 2Abbigail Cross
very true, for alot of girls I think. Hits close to home. I think I like that.

4/13/2009 c1 unsociable

lovely exploration of what makes a person through different examples.

who are you to me? i think you're wonderful (:


9/16/2007 c1 Cherrybombxx
Hell-ow;; this is Lea :]

I just started going through your poems and I adore this, I've been sitting here for the past 5 min. just reading it over and over again, I related to this so much, you have no idea, you have such a talent :] a wonderful wonderful talent ^_^
9/9/2007 c1 Hyperroll
i like it. i can tell it's really personal and something that just.. hits home. i can mention a number of times that i've lost focus of the person i was, i am, i will be. i still have those situations.

anyway, just hang in there. i know that there's no immediate solution that will help what you're feeling and all, but (this isn't good advice, but it'll make the confusion less demanding on your thoughts) try not to focus on it, and just do your best at wherever your life is at at this point. things eventually fall into place.

so, keep your head up, Amy. once again, beautiful poem, you're an amazing writer.
8/30/2007 c1 20A.M.14
That was great!

I could really relate to it, and I'm sure plenty of other people can.
8/30/2007 c1 141sunshower
I feel I can really emphasize with this. It's strange, reading this, how much of myself I see your description of yourself. As for the poem itself; beautifully written, nicely structured, what more can I say? :)
8/30/2007 c1 Nacilme
Well let me start by saying I'm not very good at giving constructive criticism, nor do I feel like I should be the one to give it. But I wanted to let you know that I really conected to this poem, and I'll leave it at that, so I don't ramble on about things that doesn't make sense... =)

Take care,

8/30/2007 c1 wandless
I like that, asking who am I to you? Or who am I?

I thought I would relate to one of the personalities/characters you put forward but I didn't. I was a bit disappointed about that. All the characters you put forward are sort of cliches..?

Keep putting your stuff up, I love reading it! I can't wait for the next Honourshill chapter.

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