Just In
for Trouble Starts With a Q

9/3/2007 c1 lexicon37893q09
I'm very, very excited to see this story back! I can't wait for more!
9/3/2007 c1 2fermina
Glad to see the new version up-and as you promised, it is quite a bit different than the original. However, it IS for the better. The element of believability is more pronounced and your characters seem more natural than before. And dare I say it? Quentin isn't outrageously over-the-top. Yes, he's an ass-but a believable one.

I think the biggest change here is Devon. I think it's a commentary on your characterization when I feel like I know more about her than Aubrey [and that was through more chapters]. She's a feisty character but there is still a sense of vulnerability that we all have. And that makes her appealing. Speaking of which, I really would like to see Q get some comeuppance quickly. Or see him being rejected because I have a hard time believing that so many mindless bimbos exist at their school.

I can't wait to see you introduce the other characters [again] because you've always distinguished yourself through balance-of character, plot, dialogue, pacing. There are plenty of issues waiting to be addressed and hey, with a longer length, I'm sure you'll be able to focus on all of them. And kudos on the racial diversity in this story! It's refreshing to say the least.
9/3/2007 c1 Bob n Kazzi
Can't wait for the next installment! Hopefully it will be as good as all your stories - who am I kidding, of course it will. Like the third/fourth incarnation of the herione. Devon is a name close to my heart, so loving it.
9/3/2007 c1 5Myztique
yay i'm glad you started writing and posting again! and i'm also happy that this is going to be a long story - more for me to read and look forward to :-) can't wait until the next chapter!
9/3/2007 c1 lovely-lips
Yeah-one question:

why'd you get rid of the original redux sequel-it was moving along good-after a while I stopped seeing u update-I didn't know u deleted it completely...the only REAL difference I spot is the change of the girls name...but it's going in the same direction right? (Even though it's rated t) o and by the way-why'd you change the rating, why change the story at all? (Gosh this is so more than one question...) ^^
9/3/2007 c1 1Maria Minamino
I like that you took the bet out but you still have the same characters after each other (in time)...and their attitudes and personalities are very well written!
9/3/2007 c1 2cocoartist
oh man, i actually squealed when i saw the email sitting in my inbox saying this was out again... yay! it rocks, naturally. i love the name devon.. although i'm not sure if i prefer this or the other version yet. we'll see i guess. but yeah, it's good. i re-read R&R AND Redux the other day... that would be the fourth and third times i've read them respectively. and, yes, they stay as awesome as ever :D

keep it up!

9/3/2007 c1 3Kadekksys
huh... well, it definitely has a different feel to it... I really liked the premise of the first version, so good luck convincing me this is better. However, you are a masterful writer so I am fully confident of your abilities! Why did you stop the other one! It was really good and had so much potential!

Anyways, can't wait for this one to pick up!

and congrats on the SKOW! I definitely voted for you! haha!
9/3/2007 c1 13Joyful Girl in the Mirror
Yaay! I'm so excited! Whoo! Good writing! God! Are Devon, Sam, and Abdullah still going to think that Adrian is a bitchy whore who stupidly fell for her stepbrother to be popular? Because that'd be funny. Yet sad. :(

This story reminds me of my high school life. Minus attractive guys, because those don't exist here. ;D I'm editor of my newspaper too and I take photography and I'm in AP classes. Well, now I can't take photography because scheduling conflicts and that depresses me. :( We had to have partners in that class too, but we switched with whomever was available.

Anyway, needless background info. Basically, your writing is awesome and I'm so excited you've finally started up on TSWQ again. ^^ Can't wait for the next chapter and I definitely can't wait until the god stuff begins.
9/3/2007 c1 1jellyman
Yay! You finally updated with this story :D So happy :D And I'm SO glad you kept the Jimmy line :D That was really funny! Are you gonna have more on Jimmy though? I quite liked him. He was funny even though he was barely in the story. And I still wish this had some kind of more T - M rating element in it...but Devon is a cool character :D Liking the story and the teacher :D I've always liked Q :D
9/3/2007 c1 40sweetxinsincerity
I love this! I missed your original posting of this story when I left for vacation, but I'm pretty sure this new version must be much better than it had been before - I already really like Devon, and it's interesting to see Quentin, Alex, and Adrian from her point of view. Quentin seems so much more insufferable in this than in Redux - but of course that's expected. And I'm thrilled with the prospect of it being a long story! Keep up the great work.
9/3/2007 c1 goodshirt
It's going to be long? Yay!
9/3/2007 c1 execrableangel
I love this! I think the revised version's even better than the original; maybe because the flow is better (the events seem more natural). I'm so glad this is finally up, but I just have one complaint. You don't have to take my suggestion or anything, but when I read your fics, the constant AP this and AP that distracts me a little. I think you're trying to emphasize that Devon has a heavy course load, but the constant AP's just detract a little from the story.

That's just one tiny thing though! Everything else is just really really good.
9/3/2007 c1 4caralene
Hahaha. Great start.
9/3/2007 c1 18found.eventually
This is good. Well, at least i prefer this over the bet. heh.

But will the rest of them (Alex and gang)be playing a big role in this story?
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