Just In
for Trouble Starts With a Q

5/12/2009 c15 Love is a War
Does this now mean that Devon and Adrian are friend's or what?
5/12/2009 c14 Love is a War
Their 'relationship' thickens...
5/12/2009 c13 Love is a War
They sound like they had a lot of fun.
5/11/2009 c11 Love is a War
Oh my goodness! They actually kissed! How... unanticipated. Never in a million years would I have imagined Quentin kissing someone gently. And I also would never have guessed that Mr. Big Shot would read romance novels.
5/11/2009 c10 Love is a War
When will Travis come into the story? And Quentin is so obnoxious and melodramatic it's unbelievable but still fun to read about. :)
5/10/2009 c7 Love is a War
What does Adrian think of Devon? Does she like her or not? And also does I find it interesting how in Adrian's POV she sounded much different. Sure she was an ice cold bitch but it isn't as prominent as it is this story. Adrian sounds and looks more like a bitch in someone else's POV.
5/10/2009 c6 Love is a War
FINALLY! Maxwell finally gets punched! I am so happy. I mean I do feel a little bad for being happy about it but he is a total ass.
5/10/2009 c5 Love is a War
Quentin really must not want his friends to know, huh?
5/10/2009 c4 Love is a War
That explains a lot. A mean both things. The talking all the time and always doing something. And then there is the good grades and etc. But what is Devon going to do? Tell everybody or confront blackmail him?
5/10/2009 c2 Love is a War
Uh-oh! Quentin needs to get beaten up, badly.

I do have a question, who exactly broke the camera?
5/8/2009 c1 Love is a War
Oh. I like the beginning so far. But Quentin seems as more of a womanizer in this story than in Reason and Romance Redux.
5/8/2009 c23 HalfKimchiHalfCarne
Oh god freakin awesome(: made me laugh through the whole story! Even your other one: reason and something redux xD

Great job(:
5/7/2009 c23 ebangin
this is the first story by you that i've finished and i am v. impressed. i should be way past the high school romance stories, especially since i usually find them annoyingly unrealistic-a bingefest for the hormonally driven. but the humorous quips and surprises throughout this story are topnotch. i love how you didn't overdo the sap at teh end by bringing chucky cheese in (a place i had totally forgotten about but once spend many a birthday party at..."playground of the gods" indeed) and it's so true to quentin's character. how did you ever come up with someone as crazy as him? in fact, all of your characterizations are amazing (slightly on the exaggerated side, but, hey, everything in high school was an exaggeration, now that i think about it). plus, love the single line formats because it makes for easy reading.

although i know this is unlikely, given your author's notes, i hope you make another story focusing on quentin because he is just too awesome.

also, it's refreshing to read about a korean (or non-white) that's the main character.
4/27/2009 c1 5Deena
Even though I've read and re-read this story a bunch of times, I've been too lazy to submit a review.

I just wanted to stop by and tell you how much I've enjoyed reading this story. At first I couldn't stand Quentin - he was just another spoiled, shallow rich boy but I persevered because I loved Devon and the fact that you chose to make her Korean. And then of course, like everyone else, I fell in love with Quentin.

I loved all his Wal-mart antics and the romance novels and his ugly-ass garden...basically he ended up being such a sweet and lovable character and he's perfect for Devon. I loved the way their romance unfolded, it was dramatic and touching and oh-so sweet.

And I cannot tell you how much I loved Devon's mum and her lavish rants. She was pure gold and very reminiscent of pretty much all ethnic Mums; it was great. She reminded me of my East Indian Mum at times, which made me laugh. I've read her grilling Quentin so many times and have sniggered uproariously each time. Such a classic!

And of course the ending was just perfect. I didn't much care much for RaR but this was just such a blast to read so excellent job!

Happy writings wench!
4/25/2009 c1 koi-bana
omg i dont think i've ever left a review for this story, other than Logan, Quentin is my second favorite characters, he is too unique and simply Quentin oh how i love him in this story, i can so fall in love with him, i've already do but if he's a real person...omg i'll be all over him, i love his corny pick up lines, his smiles, lol even his gnomes.
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