Just In
for Broken Commitments

1/13/2008 c19 4Halfbloodprincess17
I like the names for the baby and in my opinion, the baby should be a boy, but whatever works for you
1/2/2008 c19 Breeze x0
This story should so have more reviews than 27! It's great! But anyway, chapter 19 is good! I like reading about the wedding stuff and all that. :) I love the name Lukas Carter.
1/1/2008 c18 not always
This chapter was good. I have one question? Where is all this taking place? You said the car wasn't available in the US so are they in another country? I know its a random question...
12/30/2007 c17 not always
OK, I have to say. Your story is getting better and better. I'm very anxious as to see what comes next.
12/29/2007 c17 Halfbloodprincess17
its a good chapter, but i'm a little curious r joan and george really happy about the baby or r they disappointed and just pretending
12/29/2007 c17 Breeze x0
Aw. Tara and Peter are my favorite fictional couple. I hope you write the wedding scene because I'm dying to read it. I lovee love this whole story. =]
12/1/2007 c15 michellehp5
hey so the awkwardness is over forever between them cuz I'm definately getting that vibe. oh well Merry Christmas to you.
11/28/2007 c14 not always
This chapter is good but I have one question? Was it just me or did it say the Tara went to college? And if so why is she working at walmart? Not that walmart's bad but I was wondering?
11/25/2007 c14 michellehp5
I hate her mom and I love her mom. Cuz i hate her for not listening when she needs her most and I love her cuz she's so realistic. That's my mom if i wound up pregnant. Good job dude.
11/23/2007 c13 michellehp5
you can tell people for verbal abuse and stuff like that? That is so cool! Did you have a good thanksgiving?
11/23/2007 c13 not always
I love it...but you know? Maybe its just me...but I always hated when the son is named after the father(thats the way my dad and grandfather are). So I beg of you, please don't name it Peter!
11/22/2007 c1 Halfbloodprincess17
Hey good story, the characters are amazing, I love peter.
11/22/2007 c12 not always
I knew it! And its really not that short. I don't think I could write achapter that long! Hurry with the next chapter por favor!
11/21/2007 c12 michellehp5
Hey man I like it. Remember I've had my own daughter, you know Sefi so unfortuanlly she wasn't adopted and I know the father just the father doesn't know her. he even told her that he loved her (unintentionally though). yeah I'm going to be emailing you a lot so you better be prepared.
11/19/2007 c11 not always
This is agoodchapter! And I kinda think I know what's going to happen next...I THINK ...probably not though! Hurry and write the other chapter!
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