Just In
for I Am Loneliness

5/3/2008 c1 persephone jones
small nitpick: you misspelled loneliness in the very beginning... sorry just thought I should mention it.

I think the personification works really well to get at what you're saying, to be honest. I like the word play in the silence/voice line and umm... the idea that the bravest run away, at the very beginning. because usually the bravest stand their ground, but they would do the opposite in this situation :) maybe I'm thinking too hard...

nice work.
10/1/2007 c1 92burning in effigy
oh wow... really liked the way you portrayed loneliness, and how you didn't even mention it until the end

"I am a muse of the mind,/but never a welcome one." brilliant :)
10/1/2007 c1 46Runekaster
Interesting little peice. It sort of reflects how I've been feeling lately. Loneliness is my muse; powerful, deadly and sometimes welcome. I especially liked the line

"My silence is voice,

and my voice is the silence."

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