Just In
for Out of Bounds

3/2/2010 c2 Blithe Lee
Sounds awesome! It's great that you want to promote GLBT fiction that's more than gratuitous sex and drama. Good luck :)
3/2/2010 c2 1E. L. Isolee
Wish you all the best of luck! The world needs you. Give it all you've got
3/2/2010 c2 Flower-of-the-Earth
I love Nick personally and I'm grateful that there are some really good English slash writers because they're rare :D .I love this story too and I can't wait till it gets re posted :D. Your publishing ideas sound great and I hope they go well.

Garden Pea Soup XO
3/2/2010 c2 3magGE
Your idea of publishing company sounds really great! The fact that you can find better written GBLT fiction for free is mostly just wonderful but also kind of strange. I mean you don't want to pay for something bad. As you say, 99% of the ebooks are of two men with a wip on the front and they are most often really boring. So I wish you best of luck and hope you will find some interesting titles to publish! (my english sucks D: but I think you get what I mean)
3/2/2010 c2 Muthine
I absolutely support your project, it's a brilliant idea, we really need something like that! I can't tell you how many times I just go "arghh" at the idea that I can't have a paper copy of such or such wonderful story.


If I didn't suck as much at finding names, I'd totally try and help you ;)
3/2/2010 c24 Dark Lynnette
Fun story. Lots of non-American slang to learn which was fun in a whole different way. Thanks for writing and sharing the story. I enjoyed reading it and had quite a few chuckles.
12/22/2009 c24 xXxStarStrifexXx
Great ending to a great story :)
12/21/2009 c25 xXxStarStrifexXx
This is good - just skipped along to the glossary and am wondering if you're southern or not. We Northerners don't use some of these e.g. wassock, never heard that before. And do Year 13's seriously have to wear uniform? We didn't, yr 11 and they get bored of yelling at you then sixth form brings complete freedom ;) x
11/17/2009 c1 6letyoursoultakeflight
None of us ever know. We do get the urge to back away slowly, though.

- ha =] Nice!
7/23/2009 c21 MissBrittanyAnne
mm'kay his mom is friggen Awesome!

Love the end of this chapter; had me laughing histarically (
7/22/2009 c10 MissBrittanyAnne
Great story, but really 'Bog roll" ? Goddamn you British people are wierd... I mean really, whats wrong with good ol' toilet paper?
7/21/2009 c24 10vimaro22
Aw, I absolutely loved it! Everything from the steamy sex scenes to that ADORABLE declaration of love in Chapter 23 in the gym class. I was grinning like an idiot while Mike was dragging Nick out of the locker room and started spouting off all his facts in front of the class.

It was a very appropriate happy ending. It's definitely among the happiest I've read.

There's not much else to say. This is yet another brilliant story from you. I wasn't disappointed! Your characters were lovely, all of them, and they all played their parts well. I also loved Nick's analogies and similes; they made me laugh.

I think I'm going to have to use Mike's phrase ‘Asthmatic goldfish’ myself now!

Thank you so much for writing this.
7/13/2009 c24 5Crimsonoaks
loved it, need i say more? the epilogue didn't suck (which is a rarity) and i'll make babies with your characters. since i'm systematically going through the often favorited stories, i've been reading a lot of your stuff and honestly my friends are getting sick of me throwing in "nonsense" slang (i live in california)

p.s. I sent an application to be a judge, and i dont mind being bothered. especially if you, you know, r&r my story Queen Bitch (even if it isnt slash)
6/15/2009 c25 Frozen.by.Sloth
I loved this story!

Wow, you're really talented, I reckon.

This was really entertaining and the story kept my full attention till I finished it (So okay, I may have gone out for coffee with a friend in the meantime ;])

Nick and Mike were really adorable in a destructive and dramatic way. And I totally knew Mike was an English teacher ever since that, "Aren't, not ain't."

Anyhow, I really liked this.

Thanks for sharing.
6/15/2009 c1 Frozen.by.Sloth
...I wrote a whole review in the wrong language just now :\

Well - point being, heh, I guess the narrative voice is somewhat your specialty. I love it :)

I'm definitely glad that I have a chance of reading with it again.
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