Just In
for Not Exactly Pygmalion

3/21/2009 c1 DLETE THIS OLD
wow what an interesting idea...a bit creepy when i think hard about it lol but still it's an awesome idea :)
12/6/2008 c1 OoohLookACat
i dont really have much to say

other than its absolutely adorable

and i love it!

it's different that other one shots

while still being cute

loved it

3/18/2008 c1 arix
What a creative story line!
10/20/2007 c1 krew90
Hey! I saw this on the thread @ FA. (I'm The Jazzy Cellist over there, btw.) Anywho, I really like this. I think it would be a great novel, if you ever turned it into one. Good job!
10/9/2007 c1 4CJ Wanderson
wow...destiny O.O nice :D
10/8/2007 c1 4E. Collins
this is so good! I love it! its so weird how they know what eachother's thinking but its cool! If only if only possibly on of my charictors were real! lol :) so tootles!

Keep writing!

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