Just In
for Sapphires and Emeralds

10/25/2016 c1 kathtejeda
I have actually misplaced my username and password for my account here, I was actually blackroxduh17 on here and fanfiction which i spent ages trying to remember the password to just so that I could come on here and review this story but alas, i had to sign in with google instead. I actually came on here to tell you a story about yours. I first read this story when I was about 14 and was brand spanking new to Fictionpress. I didn't know how it worked so I just put most reviewed stories and started from there because I figured the most reviewed stories would be the best ones, and I wasn't entirely wrong about that. Anyway, I was about 14 and just starting high school (AKA the worst times ever) and I guess reading was my means of escape from an otherwise boring and kind of lonely high school experience. I found your story and I can't tell you how much it meant to me to read a story that wasn't all sunshine and rainbows and wasn't the usual cliche with the popular boy and the unpopular girl or the nerd and the cool kid, which are great to read depending on how well written it is, don't misunderstand me. But your story really resonated with me in a way that others didn't because yours felt real, you know? Like actual love isn't the easiest thing and you somehow managed to find a way to incorporate this in your story without making it too dramatic, you had the perfect balance. Now here I am, 7 years later about to turn 21 and desperately wanting to read this story that meant so much to me when I was younger. I've periodically came around the site to see if you've published the story or just decided on a whim to upload the story on here again just like Maeven did. However, you haven't and i am truly and deeply saddened by this. I, like so many others before me, have come on here to plead with you to pretty please send me the story any way that you can and even unedited, exactly like how it was uploaded on here. Hopefully you get this message and can email me back. My email is the username I have with the gmail attached to it. Please email me back if you can, I would love to hear from you and I would really love to be able to read your story again. Thank you Quill, Katherine.
6/11/2013 c1 Mithee
really hoping you'd get this published. also katie-ann! really, this is for katie-ann. it's been 4 years already and i still remember jeremy, nick and the youngest brother (lol forgot his name). you have no idea how many times i fantasize (STILL!) what will happen to jeremy and katie. i haven't lost hope that you'd continue on with their story. i hope you haven't too. see you soon in goodreads!
12/26/2012 c1 RunningBarefootAtMidnight
I remember reading this story back before you removed it and it was without a doubt one of the best stories I have read on this site. I was just wondering if you were any closer to publishing this as a real book? I would be willing to pay to read this story again, it was amazing. Please let me know!
8/3/2012 c1 Funnechick
Hey, I know it's probably been so long you don't remember me, but I have been missing this story for quite some time. I've been wanting to re-read it (because I do honestly think it's my favorite out of all the stories I've read online). Have you ever considered posting on wattpad (people cannot copy and paste your text there) or self-pusblishing on Amazon, maybe an ebook? I would definitely buy a copy and I know others would. Well, you're probably busy living life, but just think about it. :)

-Funnechick (Adrienne)
7/11/2012 c1 RMluver12
I really want to read this story :(
4/29/2012 c1 8mariana333
Is there any way you could just send me the story so that I can read it again? It is literally my favorite story. I understand if you don't want to though. if you do decide to though my email is . You would totally make my life if you sent it because this is the greatest story I've ever read! I really hope you get published.
4/22/2012 c1 Delaney
HEYYY. I miss your story so badly. How's the journey to publishing going?
1/2/2011 c1 raiseyourweapon
wtf. i read this story and loved it. here i am, wanting to read it again, when this happens. fuck plagiarizers.
6/11/2010 c1 Angel
The prologue is... intriguing. Wish I could have read the rest.
2/23/2010 c1 romanceistheish

I'm really sad that a lot of the authors that I love won't be posting on fp any longer, but I understand, it's all because of those plagiarisers who had to ruin it for everyone. Please keep us updated if you plan to publish, which I really hope you're considering, because I for sure would buy this story.
12/30/2009 c1 Buhbyesuckers
Hey there!I read your this story a few times when i was a silent reader.

I just want to let you know you wrote a really good story that i greatly enjoyed reading again and again, and your edited version was even better!

It's such a shame that like most authors you had trouble with plaigerism and your decision to remove it for your own purposes.

By chance i found your story link again after trying to search it for months.

Anyway i hope to read this story again when you come back hopefully, and to read some new ones!
11/13/2009 c1 3HPRK08
ARGHH I love this story!
11/12/2009 c1 5Omnia Vanitas
I understand why you took this story down and the rest but I just wanted to let you know, this is one of the first stories I read on her and will always be my favorite. You are a great writer and I hope that you continue in the future. And, I hope you have great success. Good luck.
10/30/2009 c1 blackroxduh17
ugh! times lke this, i just wanna strangle those who plaigarized you! i love this story and just when i come bck to fictionpress to read it for like the 14th time, i find this! I was so dissapointed! I think i may have cried a little! Hopefully, the story will be reposted again SOON! (HINT HINT) lol. I check fictionpress everyday, just to see if you reposted! lol! Post it up SOON!\

10/22/2009 c1 12All Over You
hi! i just wanted you to know that i read this story before you took it down and before i was even posting on FP, but i just wanted to tell you that i LOVED SaE. i'm pretty sure you even made me cry a little and to me, that just screams brilliance.

plagiarism sucks and hopefully you'll be able to share this story with us again someday :]
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