Just In
for Lips Burn Caustic

4/29/2008 c9 persephone jones
haha italic memories are okay with me as long as it's not TOO obvious. I feel like you did okay with incorporating it into the story. man, I feel so bad for them! with the dad dying thing and all.

I like the part where the dad explains what gay means though... hahahaha.
4/29/2008 c8 persephone jones
I liked this chapter... got to know some of the characters better!
4/28/2008 c7 persephone jones
wow! very creepy.
4/28/2008 c6 persephone jones
I love Eisley! and I have to admit, I only know Taking Back Sunday from clothing people wear... YEAH. I'm not very cool. Obviously.

OOH. I just saw your reply. to my earlier reviews. UM. Yeah... I'm not very far into the story yet. I'M TRYING I'M TRYING. And yes, I'm a notorious reviewer. In that people have to hit me to get me to shut up. But yeah. SOON I will be further into the story and HOLY SHIT 17 CHAPTERS? Argh. For some reason I thought there were like 9 and I was almost caught up.

I mean. ahem. back to my review.

I love your portrayal of homophobia. I mean, it's hard to write a main character like Rosco who's so... well, close minded, I guess? and out of the loop and stuff. But you really work it and the story is great. A little random for my tastes (omg mason wtf!), but it works.
4/28/2008 c5 persephone jones
"Dad died, I’m gay, I’m emo, I have a boyfriend, eyeliner, hyenas, Diet Coke, Homecoming, big noses, hermaphrodites, bowling, lies, lies, lies."

oh man. I love it. He's so SAD. hahaha.

so like... caps lock for long amounts of time kind of makes me laugh because... well I'm not sure why. but the part where he's like OMG I'M TOTALLY NOT GAY OK GUYZ really made me crack up, because first of all it's funny and secondly it was in caps. so yeah.

"all that fat power" ahahahahahaha. I love it.


hehehehe. too good. I'm surprised at how funny this is.

too... many... good... lines...
4/28/2008 c4 persephone jones
haha! I just got your review reply. don't worry, I'm not that old. just 21.

love the candy mountain reference. your main character is absolutely hilarious with how clueless he is.
4/28/2008 c3 persephone jones
ha! I love it. indirect kiss? really? SO grade school!
4/28/2008 c2 persephone jones
hey! story is still awesome... still hilarious. yup. loved the "henchmen" characters.
4/28/2008 c16 51Kenya Bloodstone
Okay like me lol This chapter was amazing I love Izzy she seems like a female version on Rosco. Vito's comment about woman issues (or how ever it was worded) is amazing because its true. A girl can get away with being late to anything (so long as the person they are talking to is male) by saying woman trouble and bam he doesn't want to know anymore lol. Okay So I love this story I really really really do in fact I should be studying for final exams but chose to read this instead *sigh* anyway I'll read the next chapter tonight after my final exam... probably... I hope... anyway Kudos! much love x
4/28/2008 c17 4gleee
nice, lol. is there gonna be more Ty?

think i'm in love with that boy...

i feel so happy for lil roscoe, i love the feeling of finding someone new and spending ages on the phone with them! all warm and fuzzy now! hehe

'Go go power rangers, mighty morphing power rangers!'

yeah she's a freak, but she loves your story and actually reviews!
4/28/2008 c16 gleee
ZOMFG *review*

u better love me now -_-

lol. Great chapter! Roscoe's got a girl! (sort of...)

wo go private schools! eh not really but anyhoo

4/27/2008 c1 persephone jones
oh man oh man. from the first sentence to the last you HAD ME. This is awesome. this is hilarious. I love it. you've done great.

I'm a little too old for the myspace "degeneration" but I like laughing at it, I admit. great eye catching summary. I'll be back to read more when it's not like way too late at night.
4/27/2008 c17 1sweets555
so, this is amazing. and i love it. and im pretty sure if you go back and edit everything ill cry.

just so you know.
4/27/2008 c16 1Liz Bee
I'm having fun reading the story, and I'm glad you're updating it because I'm on the edge of my seat. It's also good that you use proper grammar and spelling (it puts my mind at ease).
4/27/2008 c17 deadaccount38289
"Vito is positively glowing, pent up with so much confetti and joy that he might burst, and his residue will naturally fall into the form of a tootsie roll-filled, poodle-shaped piñata." That was the most glorious start to a chapter EVER. Thank you. Thank you so much.

Yay, Rosco has a myspace! Yay myspace! Who! Actually I'm not lovin' myspace QUITE as much as I used to lately. I really want to get a webcam and make a Stickam account because it sounds like more fun. But anyway... I did enjoy their conversation about myspace names, hahahaha. Although I do admit to having an AIM screenname of overused alliteration. It's just 'cause I can't think of a more creative one. Shame on me.

Also, Ty is a magnificent man. Boy. Manboy. Dude. :)

Everett was kind of creeping me out in the last part for some reason. But as soon as he said “You may pee now" the momentary damper on my love for him was pushed aside. So, no worries there.

Cute chapter! Yay! I want the cute chapter! :D I can't wait.
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